TITLE: Writing a Makefile for LaTeX and R
DATE: 2019-08-08
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I’ve experimented in the past with automating the building of
scientific reports, mostly just using shell scripts which run every
script and use pdflatex to compile the final document, in order of
dependencies, but after I finished writing my most recent manuscript
I vowed to learn how to use make.

make is a good way to handle dependencies during software
compilation, but I figured it can probably be used to compile
scientific research as well. A nice feature is that it will only run
parts of the compilation which need to be run every time, as long as
the Makefile is set up properly to recognise dependencies.

Unfortunately a lot of the online tutorials for using make rely on
examples using C code, which isn’t something I’m familiar with, and
besides, my use case is slightly different. I did find a couple of
useful resources, namely [This blog post by Rob J Hyndman] and a
more philosophical blog post by [Zachary M. Jones]. Also [this
blog post] which offered some inspiration on compiling large
documents like a whole PhD thesis.

  [This blog post by Rob J Hyndman]: https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/makefiles/
  [Zachary M. Jones]: http://zmjones.com/make/
  [this blog post]: https://scaron.info/blog/makefiles-for-latex.html

I found that the best way to make an efficient and fool-proof
Makefile was to modularise the pieces of the puzzle as much as
possible. This meant splitting up R scripts so that each script only
creates a single plot or table of the same name, and putting those
scripts in directories grouped by how they will be parsed by the
Makefile, e.g. all tables in a directory called tab/. Although I
didn’t need to do it in my example instance, modularising TeX code
might be useful as well if I’m working on a big document.

For my example, as a reminder to myself of best practices, I made a
directory with some example files in it, in a directory tree like

    ├── Makefile
    ├── agsmnourl.bst
    ├── analysis
    │   ├── fig
    │   │   ├── fig_1.R
    │   │   └── fig_2.R
    │   └── tab
    │       └── tab_1.R
    ├── fig
    ├── tab
    ├── test.bib
    └── test.tex

At the top level I have the Makefile, test.tex and test.bib which
have the text and references for my report, respectively. Below that
I have a directory containing R scripts called analysis with
subdirectories grouped by what the output type of the R script is. I
also have currently empty directories which will eventually hold
Figures (fig) and LaTeX formatted tables (tab) after the Makefile
has run.

This is the Makefile I came up with:

    # LaTeX Makefile

    # Basic TeX file prefix
    PROJ = test

    # R input paths for figures and tables
    RIPATH = analysis/fig
    RTPATH = analysis/tab

    # Output paths for generated figures and tables
    IPATH = img
    TPATH = tab

    # Gather files from input paths
    RIFILES = $(wildcard $(RIPATH:=/*.R))
    RTFILES = $(wildcard $(RTPATH:=/*.R))

    # Create paths of output .pdf files by changing suffix from .R to .pdf
    # and prefix from `analysis` (RPATH) to `img` (IPATH)
    # These files don't exist yet but the list of files in FIGS is needed 
    # as a dependency for $(PROJ).pdf  
    FIGS = $(subst $(RIPATH), $(IPATH), $(RIFILES:.R=.pdf))

    # Create paths of output table files by changing suffixes and prefixes,
    # same as above
    TABS = $(subst $(RTPATH), $(TPATH), $(RTFILES:.R=.tex))

    # Main 
    all: $(PROJ).pdf 

    # Create pdf
    $(PROJ).pdf: $(PROJ).tex $(FIGS) $(TABS)
        latexmk -pdf -quiet -bibtex $(PROJ).tex

    # Create figures
    $(IPATH)/%.pdf: $(RIPATH)/%.R
        Rscript $<

    # Create tables
    $(TPATH)/%.tex: $(RTPATH)/%.R
        Rscript $<

    # Remove generated latex files and generated figures and tables
        latexmk -C 
        rm -f $(IPATH)/*.pdf
        rm -f $(TPATH)/*.tex

PROJ = test defines the prefix for the TeX document which will be

RIPATH = analysis/fig and RTPATH = analysis/tab define paths where R
scripts are located. The reason these two are split up into
different variables is that I will use suffix replacement to create
.pdf and .tex files with the same names as the scripts later on, in
two different target-dependency operations.

IPATH = img and TPATH = tab define ouput paths where the generated
images and tables will be stored.

RIFILES = $(wildcard $(RIPATH:=/*.R)) and
RTFILES = $(wildcard $(RTPATH:=/*.R)) create variables holding the
names of R scripts which will be transformed later to variables
holding paths to files which don’t yet exist as they haven’t been
created, but are necessary to give as dependencies to the .pdf

FIGS = $(subst $(RIPATH), $(IPATH), $(RIFILES:.R=.pdf)) and
TABS = $(subst $(RTPATH), $(TPATH), $(RTFILES:.R=.tex)) Transform
the paths generated in the previous lines (RIFILES and RTFILES) into
./img/*.pdf and ./tab/*.tex paths, respectively.

all: $(PROJ).pdf is the top level dependency for the Makefile, this
is the goal of the make process, to generate this file. Note that
$(PROJ) will be expanded to test.pdf.

$(PROJ).pdf: $(PROJ).tex $(FIGS) $(TABS) defines the dependencies
for test.pdf which are test.tex, all the files in $(FIGS) and
$(TABS). The command for that target is
latexmk -pdf -quiet -bibtex $(PROJ).tex, which uses latexmk to run
pdflatex and bibtex enough times to solve all cross-references and
create a full test.pdf.

One thing that took me a long time to get my head around is that it
doesn’t matter what the file name is in the target section of the
Makefile, the output of the command doesn’t have to be equal to the
file given in the target as the command never sees the target. It’s
only a convention for making coherent Makefiles and to mae sure that
missing files trigger the Makefile correctly.

$(IPATH)/%.pdf: $(RIPATH)/%.R and the similar line to create tables
takes the file list in $(RTPATH) and uses Rscript $< to run each
script in turn, using the $< operator, which expands to the file
given in the dependencies section of the target definition. Note the
use of % to substitute .R with .tex. This is why it was important to
create two lists of files, one for pdf images and one for tex

clean: and its commands wipes the slate clean when make clean is
called from the terminal. It removes all files generated by latexmk
and removes all the .pdf images and .tex tables.