TITLE: Customising plots drawn to estimate pairwise marginal means comparisons with emmeans::pwpp()
DATE: 2019-08-07
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

For a paper I’ve been writing I was running linear mixed effects
models with categorical fixed effects to compare the amount of pine
weevil damage present in different forest sites. To evaluate my
models, I wanted to run pairwise comparisons between sites in the
model to see which sites were significantly different. I decided to
run a Tukey’s HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test on
Estimated Marginal Means of sites in the model. I’m doing my
analysis in R, so all the code is R code.

I used emmeans::emmeans() to calculate the EMMs, which returns a
special object of class emmGrid. emmeans::pwpp() is a handy function
to create and plot the results from a Tukey’s HSD (or other test
method) pairwise comparison of the EMMs, with P-value along the x
axis and categories along the y axis. Lines connect pairwise
categories and are placed along the x axis to denote the
significance of their difference.

The basic plot is fine, and is certainly useful for interpretation,
but I want to include the plots in my paper and they look a bit too
much like the ggplot() default. The plotting method also makes it
difficult to customise the plot. The basic code to produce the plot
is below:

    # Packages

    # Import data
    df <- read.csv("~/Desktop/pwpp_data.csv")

    # Run mixed effects model
    mod <- glmmTMB(mm2_damage ~ site_code + (1|family),
      data = df)

    # Estimate Marginal Means
    tukey <- emmeans(mod, "site_code")

    # Run Pairwise compari
    pwpp_results <- pwpp(tukey, values = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

    # Look at basic plot

The plot looks like this:


As the object pwpp_results is a glorified ggplot() object, it’s
possible to extract the data used to make the plot and store it in
tidy dataframes:

    # Extract data from plot object
    marg_vals <- data.frame(
      y = pwpp_results$layers[[3]]$data$site_code, 
      label = pwpp_results$layers[[3]]$data$fmtval)

    p_vals <- data.frame(
      x = pwpp_results$data$p.value, 
      plus = pwpp_results$data$plus, 
      minus = pwpp_results$data$minus, 
      midpt = pwpp_results$data$midpt)

marg_vals holds data on the marginal values for each category, which
appear as labels down the left hand side of the plot. p_vals
contains data for drawing the lines.

I also wanted to create a colour palette for my customised plot,
which I made [here, at Colorgorical]:

  [here, at Colorgorical]: http://vrl.cs.brown.edu/color

    # Create colour palette
    site_pal <- c("#270fe2", "#75ae0a", "#b427b7", "#14e54b",
      "#8e4380", "#0b5313", "#d992e2", "#7ba979",
      "#fc2c44", "#1ce0b2", "#900e08", "#37bad7")

I can then create the plot:

    pwpp_ggplot <- ggplot() + 
      geom_segment(data = p_vals,
        aes(x = x, xend = x, y = plus, yend = midpt, colour = minus)) +
      geom_point(data = p_vals,
        aes(x = x, y = plus, colour = minus), 
        size = 3) + 
      geom_label(data = marg_vals, 
        aes(x = 0.01, y = y, label = label),
        label.padding = unit(0.15, "lines"), hjust = "right") +
      geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0.05),
        linetype = 2) + 
      ylab("Site") +
      xlab("Tukey-adjusted P value") + 
      theme_classic() +
      theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour="#E0E0E0"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.text.y = element_text(colour = site_pal),
        legend.position = "none") + 
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1)) + 
      scale_colour_manual(values = site_pal) + 
      coord_trans(x = "log10", clip = "off")

geom_segment draws the lines. Each line is actually composed of two
line segments which meet at p_vals$midpt and are coloured according
to the opposite point.

geom_label plots the marginal values, which are placed at x = 0.01
and are right aligned so they are unlikely to overlap a comparison

geom_vline denotes the p = 0.05 significance line.

panel.grid.major.y draws lines for each category, which helps when
reading the graph and matching line ends with categories.

scale_x_continuous marks breaks for a number of common significance

coord_trans log transforms the x axis so that lines near the low end
of the P value scale are more spaced out, as they are more important
for interpretation, clip = "off" ensures that the full range of P
values is shown, so plots are interpretable across models with
different categories.

The final plot looks like this: