TITLE: Plain text data entry in the terminal
DATE: 2019-05-17
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

Since my fieldwork I’ve had to do lots of data entry. I finished
entering the bulk of the data from my notebooks into a spreadsheet
today, which comes to a total of about 290564 cells of data,
although that number is a bit exaggerated as some of the columns
have a lot of blank cells. In any case it’s a lot of data. I’m
trying hard to make as much of my data entry and cleaning process
repeatable and reproducible, in the hope that if I find any mistakes
they will be easier to fix if I have an explicit record of how I
entered the data.

I used Microsoft Excel to input the data and there were a few things
that got in the way when Excel was trying to be helpful. For example
the GPS codes generated by my Garmin GPS unit are sometimes
formatted with leading zeroes, e.g. “028”, “0592”, “10391”. Excel
automatically formats these codes like so: “28”, “592”, “10391”.
This means that when I want to match the GPS coordinates from a CSV
file based on their IDs, it doesn’t work. Additionally, I found that
when I exported the spreadsheet as a CSV file and then imported it
into R for analysis, some of the numerical values where slightly
different, for example, “4.6” might be changed to “4.5699999997”.
This is easy to fix in R with round(x$col, digits = 1), but it
really makes me worry that some other data might be lost or altered
in subtle ways that I don’t notice until it’s too late.

So, I’ve been trying to find a better way to input data. Here are a
few options I’ve come up with:

It is possible to pre-format columns in Excel so it just accepts the
input you give it. Open Excel, highlight the relevant columns and
right click, click “Format Cells…”, then change the category to
“Text”. Additionally, I could choose to only save as CSV files when
exporting from Excel.

Another option is to use a more simple CSV editor rather than Excel,
something that doesn’t try to be helpful. [Table Tool] seems like
an alright option, but I’m not a huge fan of the way this program
manages data entry, there’s a lot of mouse clicking needed to
activate a cell for editing and you have to manually click to add or
delete rows.

  [Table Tool]: https://github.com/jakob/TableTool

A final option which really appeals to me is using Vim to write CSV
files with the help of some plugins. Obviously Vim can edit CSV
files without anything extra, as they’re just plain text, but this
gets cumbersome when you have rows of different width, blank cells
etc., as the columns become offset. This makes moving between the
rows in the same column difficult. Luckily there is a plugin called
[csv.vim] which has some really nice features which make editing
CSV files in Vim quite easy. Firstly, the plugin detects the column
delimiter and replaces it with a |, which makes distinguishing
column boundaries a lot easier. Also, columns are highlighted in
different colours, which also improves the ability to scan the CSV
down a column. You can also set Vim to highlight the current column
with let g:csv_highlight_column = 'y'. Movement across rows and
columns can be achieved with “H,J,K,L” which will be familiar to Vim
users. The most important feature for me is the ability to visually
align the columns with :ArrangeColumn. Below is an example of how
this works:

  [csv.vim]: https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim

Un-arranged columns


Arranged columns with ArrangeColumn


There are a tonne of other features in csv.vim but most of the
features related to analysis I’d much rather do in R later on.
Deleting, hiding and sorting columns could come in really useful
however, so I’ll spend some time trying to figure out the commands
for that. I’ve actually had a different CSV plugin for a while
already, called [rainbow_csv], which helpfully colours the text in
different CSV columns to help to distinguish one column for another.
I’ve since removed this plugin however, as csv.vim does the same
thing but adds lots of other features.

  [rainbow_csv]: https://github.com/mechatroner/rainbow_csv