TITLE: Calculating NDVI from Sentinel 2 images for Bicuar National Park
DATE: 2018-11-20
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I recently ventured into trying to make sense of sentinel 2 data,
multispectral remote sensing imagery. I wanted to calculate NDVI for
Bicuar National Park, so I could see whether it’s possible to
identify areas of miombo woodland within the park using variation in
the NDVI, which you would expect is higher in woodland and lower in

I got some cloud free images for the area covering Bicuar and wrote
a Python script which calculates NDVI, from the red band and near
infra-red band:

    # Import libraries
    import glob
    import gdal 
    import os
    import fnmatch
    import re
    import cv2

    # Define a function to find files given a pattern
    def find(pattern, path):
        result = []
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
            for name in files:
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
                    result.append(os.path.join(root, name))
        return result

    # Set working directory for images
    rootdir = '/sentinel_bicuar'

    # Create a list of folders 
    folders = next(os.walk(os.getcwd()))[1]

    # Loop through each folder in turn
    for i in folders:
      # Set input directory
      in_dir =  rootdir +  '/' + i

      # Search directory for desired bands
      red_file = find('*B04.jp2', in_dir)[0]
      print("Processing: " + red_file)
      nir_file = find('*B08.jp2', in_dir)[0]

      # Open each band using gdal
      red_link = gdal.Open(red_file)
      nir_link = gdal.Open(nir_file)

      # Store as an array
      red_array = red_link.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() * 0.0001
      nir_array = nir_link.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() * 0.0001
      # Create a mask filled with zeroes
      mask = red_array == 0.

      # Calculate NDVI 
      ndvi2 = (nir_array - red_array) / (nir_array + red_array)

      # Set mask values back to 0
      ndvi2[mask] = 0.

      # Create output filename based on input name 
      out_string_a = re.search('A004323_(.*)/IMG_DATA', red_file).group(1)
      out_string_b = re.search('IMG_DATA/(.*)_B04.', red_file).group(1)
      out_file = rootdir + '/' + out_string_a + '_' + out_string_b + '_NDVI.tif'
      print('Creating file: ' + out_file)

      # Get dimensions
      x_pixels = ndvi2.shape[0] # number of pixels in x
      y_pixels = ndvi2.shape[1] # number of pixels in y

      # Set up output GeoTIFF
      driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')

      # Create driver using output filename, x and y pixels, # of bands, and datatype
      ndvi_data = driver.Create(out_file,x_pixels, y_pixels, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)

      # Set nodata value

      # Set NDVI array as the 1 output raster band

      # Setting up the coordinate reference system of the output GeoTIFF
      geotrans=red_link.GetGeoTransform() # Grab input GeoTranform information
      proj=red_link.GetProjection() # Grab projection information from input file

      # now set GeoTransform parameters and projection on the output file


Then I use gdal to merge each of the resultant .tif files with an
NDVI band into a single file, then clip that file with the outline
of [Bicuar National Park].

  [Bicuar National Park]: https://www.protectedplanet.net/#thematic-areas


    echo "Merging tif files"

    gdal_merge.py -n 0 -a_nodata 0 *_NDVI.tif -o ndvi_merge_o.tif

    gdalwrap -t_srs '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84' ndvi_merge_0.tif ndvi_merge_0_longlat.tif

    gdalwarp -cutline  'bicuar_shp/WDPA_Mar2018_protected_area_350-shapefile-polygons.shp' -crop_to_cutline -dstalpha ndvi_merge_0_longlat.tif ndvi_merge_0_longlat_bicuar.tif


Then I can use an R script to look at the distribution of NDVI
across the park

    # Packages

    # Import data ----
    ndvi_tif_bicuar <- raster("ndvi_merge_0_longlat_bicuar.tif")

    ndvi_vec <- getValues(ndvi_tif_bicuar)

    hist(ndvi_vec, breaks = 100)


I can also experiment with plotting areas of the park within a
certain threshold of NDVI

    ndvi_thresh <- ndvi_tif_bicuar[ndvi_tif_bicuar < 0.6] <- NA
