TITLE: A guide about processing hemispherical photos
DATE: 2018-09-07
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I wrote a guide for some undergraduate students on a field course
about hemispherical photography and calculating forest canopy
traits. This is it. It’s untested so far, so some parts may change
depending on how well the field course goes. The guide may get
updated, so the most up to date version can always be found [here,
on Github].

  [here, on Github]: https://github.com/johngodlee/hemi_photo_guide

Part 1 - Taking hemispherical photos

A list of tips for taking good hemispherical photos:

-   Take photos under a uniformly overcast sky, ideally before the
    sun has risen too high in the sky, or just before sunset. I find
    in the morning the photos are generally better and at high
    latitudes you will have more time than in the tropics..
-   Ensure that the camera is level and the lens is pointing
    straight up. Use the spirit level on the camera hotshoe to do
-   Adjust the tripod so that the top of the camera lens is 1 m
    above the ground, or above any understorey vegetation, whichever
    is higher.
-   Turn the camera so the top of the camera body is facing north,
    take a compass! This ensures that the top of the captured photo
    is also facing north, which is necessary for calculating LAI..
-   Make use of the articulated display on the camera to get a good
    view of the photo before you take it.
-   Set the camera:
    -   Manual shooting mode
    -   Manual focus
    -   Set the focus to infinity
    -   Exposure compensation = -0.7
    -   Capturing fine jpeg & RAW images at the same time
    -   The camera time and date is accurate (this is purely for
        ease of matching photos to sites)
    -   Set the Aperture to 5
    -   Adjust the ISO and shutter speed so the photo is neutrally
        exposed but the shutter speed is always over 1/60sec,
        otherwise you will introduce camera shake when you press the
    -   Take all photos in landscape dimensions, never portait.
-   Make sure you all duck down below the camera when the image is
    being taken!
-   Make sure there is battery and you have the spare battery
-   Make sure there is an SD card in the camera, and take a spare.
-   Cover the lens with the lens cap between photos. PLEASE PLEASE

Part 2 - Creating a black and white thresholded image

1.  Open ImageJ
2.  File -> Open, then select an image
3.  Visually inspect the image to see that there isn’t massive
    amounts of lens flare. If you have lots of lens flare, the photo
    should be thrown out! This is what lens flare looks like:


4.  Image -> Type -> 8-bit
5.  Image -> Adjust -> Threshold, manually adjust the image so all
    the branches are red and the sky is white, or as near as you can
    get it.
6.  Save the newly thresholded image as a jpeg in a folder called
7.  Rinse and repeat for all images.

The above process can be automated with a macro, but this assumes
that the images are all uniformly exposed.

This is the macro, saved as a .ijm file. This is untested so use at
your own risk:

    // Automatically create a thresholded image for use in further analysis. Change the values of setThreshold to achieve different results.

    // Partially tested

    // Save as a Jpeg in the Batch macro dialog in ImageJ

    setThreshold(0, 146);
    setOption("BlackBackground", false);
    run("Convert to Mask");

Part 3 - Calculating Leaf Area Index

1.  Open RStudio.

2.  Open a new script (File -> New File -> R Script)

3.  Save the script in a folder above the images folder:

4.  Enter the following preamble into the R script:

    # Set working directory to location of thresholded images

    # Source the functions used to calculate stuff

    # Packages

5.  Add white_image.jpg to the same folder where the thresholded
    images are found
6.  Read in all the thresholded images and create an empty data
    frame which will later be filled with canopy trait statistics
    like LAI and canopy openness.

    # List all images in the directory
    all_images <- list.files("img/", pattern = ".JPG")

    # How many images
    img_length = length(all_images)

    # Create empty dataframe, 6x7 and fill it with zeroes
    all_data = data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = img_length, ncol = 7))
    names(all_data) = c("File", "CanOpen", "LAI", "DirectAbove", "DiffAbove", "DirectBelow", "DiffBelow")
    # Fill first column with image names
    all_data[,1] = all_images

7.  Read in the reference image (white_img.jpg) as a matrix of pixel

    white_img <- readJPEG("img/white_image.jpg", native = F)

8.  Set some parameters for the location the photos are being taken.
    Approximate location (0.1 degrees latitude) is good enough for
    our purposes. Note that the values below are for somewhere in
    Africa and should be changed:

    location.latitude   = -15
    location.altitude   = 200
    location.day        = 30
    location.days       = seq(15,360,30)   # roughly each mid of the 12 months

9.  Set some parameters for the images, cropping them to a circle
    and setting the threshold. These parameters are ones I have used
    on this camera, so don’t need to be changed:

    ## Image parameters

    ### Drawing circles and identifying the image centre point
    hemi_dim <- dim(white_img)
    radius <- max(rowSums(white_img[,,1] > 0.4) / 2)

    ### determine using a single image and fill in here for batch processing
    location.cx         = (hemi_dim[2] / 2)             # x coordinate of center of image
    location.cy         = (hemi_dim[1] / 2)             # y coordinate of center image
    location.cr         = radius             # radius of circle
    location.threshold  = 0.42  # Must get this to match all images, or maybe could use a lookup table / dictionary?  Does R have dictionaries?

10. Set some atmospheric parameters. I’ve loosely estimated these
    for this location, but by no means is it scientific. I would not
    have much confidence in the statistics generated using these
    parameters, namely DirectAbove, DiffAbove, DirectBelow and

    # atmospheric parameters
    ## Atmospheric transmissivity - Normally set at 0.6, but can vary between 0.4-0.6 in the tropics
    location.tau = 0.6

    ## Amount of direct light that is used as diffuse light in the Uniform Ovecast Sky (UOC)
    location.uoc = 0.15

11. Run a big for loop to calculate the statistics for each photo

    for(i in 1:img_length){
        ## read file
        image <- readJPEG(paste("test_img/", all_images[i], sep = ""), native = F)

        ## conver to Hemi image
        image <- Image2Hemiphot(image)

        ## set cirlce parameters
        image <- SetCircle(image, cx = location.cx, cy = location.cy, cr = location.cr)

        ## select blue channel
        image <- SelectRGB(image, "B")

        image <- ThresholdImage(im = image, th = location.threshold, draw.image = F)

        # canopy openness
        gap.fractions <- CalcGapFractions(image)
        all_data[i,2] = CalcOpenness(fractions = gap.fractions)

        ## calculate LAI according to Licor's LAI Analyzer
        all_data[i,3] = CalcLAI(fractions = gap.fractions)

        ## Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPDF, umol m-1 s-1) P
        rad <- CalcPAR.Day(im = image,
            lat = location.latitude, d = location.days,
            tau = location.tau, uoc = location.uoc,
                                            draw.tracks = F, full.day = F)
        all_data[i,4] = rad[1]
        all_data[i,5] = rad[2]
        all_data[i,6] = rad[3]
        all_data[i,7] = rad[4]

12. Finally, look at the output, which is stored in all_data


The hemiphot.R source file comes from [here].

  [here]: https://github.com/naturalis/Hemiphot