TITLE: Visualising Survey Data with Likert Scales
DATE: 2017-09-16
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

Recently I was offered a small amount of consulting work. A company
had conducted a survey over Survey Monkey to look at how satisfied
and engaged their employees were and my job was to analyse these
data to try and tease out any trends. Finally I had to visualise the
data in a way that the company could put together in a little report
and talk about in a meeting. Obviously I can’t show any of the
graphs or data that I analysed for that job, because of
confidentiality laws, so I’ve created an example dataset that I can
use to demonstrate some of the methods I came up with for
effectively visualising the data.

I used R to analyse the data, purely because that is what I know,
though I know the company does the vast majority of their stuff in

If you want to follow along you can download the data from [here]
and an example script from [here][1]

  [here]: https://johngodlee.github.io/files/likert/example.csv
  [1]: https://johngodlee.github.io/files/likert/example_likert.R

Cleaning the data

First I need to install some packages, set the working directory and
load the data into R:

    # Packages

    # Set the working directory

    # Import data
    survey <- read.csv("example.csv")

Then I can have a look at the data and see that Survey Monkey has
given each respondent a row, each column indicates an answer for a
given question, e.g. “I would work for comX again - Disagree”, “What
type of employee are you - Admin”. This means that in any given
column many of the cells are empty, and it violates one of the
golden rules of making a table of data, that each column should
contain unique data.

I have no idea why survey monkey thinks this is a good way to format
their data output, but luckily it’s easy to remedy using some dplyr
and tidyr magic

First I need to check for any NA and replace them with blank space:

    survey[is.na(survey)] <- ''

Then I need to get rid of the first row which contains the names of
the answer options for each question, as it’s not useful:

    survey <- survey %>%

Then I need to concatenate groups of columns so that each column
contains the answers for a unique question:

    # Split the data frame into a data frame for each question
    survey_employee <- survey_header %>%

    survey_again <- survey_header %>%

    survey_always <- survey_header %>%

    survey_line <- survey_header %>%

    survey_think <- survey_header %>%

    # Concatenate columns in each data frame:
    what_type_of_employee_are_you <- unite(survey_employee, what_type_of_employee_are_you, 1:4, sep='', remove=F)[1]
    i_would_work_for_comx_again <- unite(survey_again, i_would_work_for_comx_again, 1:5, sep='', remove=F)[1]
    i_am_always_busy_at_comx <- unite(survey_always, i_am_always_busy_at_comx, 1:5, sep='', remove=F)[1]
    my_line_manager_values_my_contributions <- unite(survey_line, my_line_manager_values_my_contributions, 1:5, sep='', remove=F)[1]
    i_think_directors_are_paid_the_right_amount <- unite(survey_think, i_think_directors_are_paid_the_right_amount, 1:5, sep='', remove=F)[1]

    # Combine into data frame
    survey_cond <- data.frame(what_type_of_employee_are_you, i_would_work_for_comx_again,
                i_am_always_busy_at_comx, my_line_manager_values_my_contributions,

Now each column has all the answers for a question, and no two
columns contain data relating to the same question.

Making pivot tables

I can convert the answers for each question into a numerical form,
centred on zero:

    survey_cond_num <- survey_cond %>%
        mutate(i_would_work_for_comx_again = recode(i_would_work_for_comx_again,
            "Strongly disagree" = -2,
            "Disagree" = -1,
            "Neither agree nor disagree" = 0,
            "Agree" = 1,
            "Strongly agree" = 2),
        i_am_always_busy_at_comx = recode(i_am_always_busy_at_comx,
            "Strongly disagree" = -2,
            "Disagree" = -1,
            "Neither agree nor disagree" = 0,
            "Agree" = 1,
            "Strongly agree" = 2),
        my_line_manager_values_my_contributions = recode(my_line_manager_values_my_contributions,
            "strongly disagree" = -2,
            "disagree" = -1,
            "neither agree nor disagree" = 0,
            "agree" = 1,
            "strongly agree" = 2),
        i_think_directors_are_paid_the_right_amount = recode(i_think_directors_are_paid_the_right_amount,
            "strongly disagree" = -2,
            "disagree" = -1,
            "neither agree nor disagree" = 0,
            "agree" = 1,
            "strongly agree" = 2))

Then use this new data frame to create pivot tables for each
question, showing how each employee group scored:

    heirarchy <- c("Director", "Consultant", "HR", "Admin")
    col_names <- names(select(survey_cond, 2:5))

    summ_all <- survey_cond %>%
        select(what_type_of_employee_are_you, col_names) %>%
        gather(key, value, -what_type_of_employee_are_you) %>%
        split(.$key) %>%
        lapply(function(x){x %>% group_by(what_type_of_employee_are_you, value) %>%
                tally() %>%
                spread(value, n, fill = 0) %>%
                ungroup() %>%
                mutate(what_type_of_employee_are_you = factor(what_type_of_employee_are_you, levels = heirarchy)) %>%
                arrange(what_type_of_employee_are_you) %>%
                             `Strongly disagree`,
                             `Neither agree nor disagree`,
                             `Strongly agree`)

    # Write to csv
    for (i in seq_along(summ_all)) {
        write.csv(summ_all[[i]], paste("pivot_tables/",names(summ_all[i]), ".csv", sep = ""))

These pivot tables can be investigated later on or used to easily
create bar charts for each question like the one below:

    # Read in the pivot table csv
    pivot <- read.csv("pivot_tables/i_am_always_busy_at_comx.csv")

    # Create heirarchies of response order, employee type
    resp_order <- c("Strongly.disagree", "Disagree", "Neither.agree.nor.disagree", "Agree", "Strongly.agree")
    heirarchy <- c("Director", "Consultant", "HR", "Admin")

    # Gather the pivot table into long format
    pivot_gather <- pivot %>%
        select(2:7) %>%
        gather(Response, Score, Strongly.disagree:Strongly.agree) %>%
        mutate(Response = factor(Response, levels = resp_order)) %>%
        mutate(Role = factor(what_type_of_employee_are_you, levels = heirarchy))

    # Create the plot
    ggplot(pivot_gather, aes(x = Role, y = Score, fill = Response)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + 
        scale_fill_brewer(palette="Blues") + 
        theme(legend.title = element_blank()) + 
        ggtitle("I am always busy at comX")


Overall question comparison

To see which questions get the worst score overall I can plot them
on a horizontal bar chart, ordering the bars and colouring them
according to the score:

    survey_total_q <- survey_cond_num %>%
    select(1:5) %>%
        summarise_all(funs(mean(., na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
        gather("question","mean_score") %>%
        na.omit(TRUE) %>%

    ggplot(survey_total_q, aes(x = reorder(question,-mean_score), y = mean_score, fill = mean_score)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
        coord_flip() +
        theme(axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
        scale_fill_continuous(low = "#E33235", high = "#2183EB") +
        theme(legend.position="none") +
        ylab("`Mean Likert Score")


I can also break those bars down by which employee groups contribute
most of the score for that question:

    survey_total_job <- survey_cond_num %>%
        select(1:5) %>%
        group_by(what_type_of_employee_are_you) %>%
        na.omit(TRUE) %>%
        summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>%
        gather("question","total_score") %>%
        mutate(what_type_of_employee_are_you = strrep(c("Director", "Consultant", "HR", "Admin"), times = 1)) %>%
        group_by(question, what_type_of_employee_are_you) %>%
        filter(question != "Role") %>%

    ggplot(survey_total_job[order(survey_total_job$total_score, decreasing = T),],
                 aes(x = reorder(question,total_score), y = total_score, fill = what_type_of_employee_are_you)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
        coord_flip() + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
        scale_fill_brewer(limits = heirarchy, palette = "Dark2") +
        scale_x_discrete(limits = as.vector(survey_total_q$question)) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
                    axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
        guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Role")) +
        xlab("Total Likert Score")


Finally, I can get a general sense of the satisfaction of each
employee by seeing the total score given by that employee:

    role_total <- survey_cond_num %>%
        select(1:5) %>%
        replace(is.na(.), 0) %>%
        group_by(what_type_of_employee_are_you) %>%
        summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>%
        mutate(sum = rowSums(.[2:length(.)]))

    ggplot(role_total, aes(x = what_type_of_employee_are_you, y = sum, fill = what_type_of_employee_are_you)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
        ylab("Total Likert Score") +
        scale_x_discrete(limits = heirarchy) +
        guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Role")) +
        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")


Update 27th Oct. 2017

I ended up doing a bit more with survey data for an undergraduate
dissertation student that was looking at how gender affected
thoughts towards sustainable activity within the home, and how work
was partitioned in different types of household.

One of the best methods we came up with for graphically representing
correlations in responses to certain questions and the demographic
category a person fit into was the bubble plot. I guess if you
wanted to statistically analyse this data you would use a
chi-squared test.

The fake data for the plot below can be found [here][2] and a lookup
table for the contents of each question column can be found
[here][3]. The data .csv shows each row as a respondent, along with
how many hours of housework they do, their gender, the codes for
checkboxes they ticked of different sustainable activities they did,
related to waste management and water management, and lastly a
self-evaluated measure of how much they consider sustainable actions
in their day to day life.

  [2]: https://johngodlee.github.io/files/likert/sust_behaviour.csv
  [3]: https://johngodlee.github.io/files/likert/question_lookup.csv

So I want to make a bubble plot of age vs. how often people think
about sustainable activities (sustainability_daily_think):

First, make a summary data frame which counts the number of
occurrences of each unique x y combination:

    # Load data
    sust_data <- read.csv("sust_behaviour.csv")

    # Make summary
    sust_bubble <- sust_data %>%
        group_by(age, sustainability_daily_think) %>%

Then make the plot:

    ggplot(sust_bubble, aes(x = age, y = sustainability_daily_think)) +
        geom_point(aes(size = n))


Another thing I managed to crack was how to make a diverging bar
chart in ggplot2, so it looks similar to the ones you can make with
the [HH package].

  [HH package]: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/HH/index.html

Get set up, import data etc.:

    # Packages

    # setwd to source file

    # Load data 
    sust_data <- read.csv("sust_behaviour.csv")
    question_lookup <- read.csv("question_lookup.csv")

    # Make ordered factor
    sust_data$sustainability_daily_think <- factor(sust_data$sustainability_daily_think, 
        levels=c("Never", "Rarely", "Sometimes", "Often", "All the time"), 

    # Remove NAs 
    sust_data <- sust_data[!is.na(sust_data$sustainability_daily_think),]

anipulate the data so it’s ready for plotting:

    # Create a summary dataframe of likert responses to a single question
    sust_think_summ <- sust_data %>%
        group_by(gender, sustainability_daily_think) %>%
        tally() %>%
        mutate(perc = n / sum(n) * 100) %>%
        dplyr::select( -n) %>%
        group_by(gender) %>%
        spread(sustainability_daily_think, perc)

    sust_think_summ_hi_lo <- sust_think_summ %>%
        mutate(midlow = Sometimes / 2,
                     midhigh = Sometimes / 2) %>%
        dplyr::select(gender, Never, Rarely, midlow, midhigh, Often, `All the time`) %>%
        gather(key = gender, value = perc) %>%
        `colnames<-`(c("gender", "response", "perc"))

    # Split data into high and low groups
    sust_think_summ_hi <- sust_think_summ_hi_lo %>%
        filter(response %in% c("All the time", "Often", "midhigh")) %>%
        mutate(response = factor(response, levels = c("All the time", "Often", "midhigh")))

    sust_think_summ_lo <- sust_think_summ_hi_lo %>%
        filter(response %in% c("midlow", "Rarely", "Never")) %>%
        mutate(response = factor(response, levels = c("Never", "Rarely", "midlow")))

Construct the plot:

    # Define colour palette and associate with locations
    legend_pal <- brewer.pal(name = "RdBu", n = 5)
    legend_pal <- insert(legend_pal, ats = 3, legend_pal[3])
    legend_pal <- gsub("#F7F7F7", "#9C9C9C", legend_pal)
    names(legend_pal) <- c("All the time", "Often", "midhigh", "midlow", "Rarely", "Never" )

    # Make plot
    ggplot() + 
        geom_bar(data=sust_think_summ_hi, aes(x = gender, y=perc, fill = response), stat="identity") +
        geom_bar(data=sust_think_summ_lo, aes(x = gender, y=-perc, fill = response), stat="identity") + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color =c("black")) + 
        scale_fill_manual(values = legend_pal, 
            breaks = c("All the time", "Often", "midhigh", "Rarely", "Never"),
            labels = c("All the time", "Often", "Sometimes", "Rarely", "Never")) +
        coord_flip() + 
        labs(x = "Gender", y = "Percentage of respondents (%)") + 
        ggtitle(question_lookup$survey_question[question_lookup$column_title == "sustainability_daily_think"]) +