Toki Pona! A coupleo of weeks ago I was reading on the interwebs and I came across something called [Toki Pona]( Plenty of people have described it far better than I can. A short description is a constructed language containing only 123 words. I have always wanted to learn a language, and have tried several times to start. This seemed great so I dove in. So far I have learnt the words, and now I'm trying to use them to communicate. Obviously it's a bit difficult as only strangers online speak it too. I think I'm going to try start doing toki pona post on this blog. I think this will help me learn the language better. toki! mi nimi e kipikuno. sona lili li toki pona. mi wili ni, sona soli li toki pona. mi jo tu wan suweli. suweli tu li nasa en moku e kala. suwli wan li pona mije. nimi ona li Konopi. mi lon ma Oselija. mi tan ma Mewika. mi wili suli ni, mi pali e lipu mute. mi loti e lipu. mi tawa. mi wili sina jo e tenpo suno pona. tags: toki-pona, learning, fun