Hello Gopher

I know Gopher has been around for many decades now, and could 
possibly be supplanted by the newer Gemini protocol, but the 
rich history of this place intrigues me, nothwithstanding the 
fact that it's still around and people are still using it. I 
fully admit that I may be one of the passing "fad" users testing 
out the new/old flavor of the moment, but I say if it gets folks 
on here, what's the difference?

Anyways, I must credit ~szczezuja [1] over on sdf.org for finally 
giving me that push to make a Gopherhole, whether they knew it or
not.  I really enjoyed the step-by-step journey into Gopherland 
(as I feel I am doing now), but taking it a step further and re-
searching old articles and finding original Gopher users really 
inspired me to open my own Gopherhole and explore it myself.

As I also maintain a Gemini capsule, I - like ~szczezuja - don't 
really know what the focus of this Gopherhole will be ATM, but I 
will try to keep Gopher-specific items here.  Some folks have 
also mirrored (by conversion scripts) their Gemini capsules here
but I don't know that I currently have the desire to do that just 
yet as I like the separation.

[1] gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/szczezuja/

Wed 30 Mar 2022 06:54:19 PM UTC