Greetings and welcome! This capsule is a by-product of learning about Gemini and all things *nix. Now existing, it can host something edifying.

## Writing
=>text/gemlog.capsule Gemlog - Notes and comments on various subjects
=>text/the_penitent.gmi The Penitent - An epistolary science-fiction story

## Technology
=>tech/script.capsule Scripts
=>tech/config.capsule Config files
=>tech/cheatsheet.capsule Cheatsheets and references

## The Bible
The Bible with advance search options, random verses, etc.
=>bible/bible_la.cgi Latin Bible
=>bible/bible_en.cgi English Bible

## Library
> A gentleman learns by hearing in his ears and remembering in his heart and is manifested in his dignified demeanour and actions in accordance with etiquette. Every move, even the smallest of words and deeds, can be exemplary. - Xunzi
=>library/andreas_laszlo/ András László
=>library/mishima Yukio Mishima

## Gemspace
=>gemini/gemini.gmi Gemini Protocol
=>gemini/capsules.capsule Capsules
```ascii-art of an owl with est. and mod. dates
 {o,o}  Est. 2021. II
 /)__)  Mod. 2021. III