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|_____|_|  |_/_/   \_\____|____/_/   \_\_| \_|____/ |_| |_|  |_|\___//_/\_\

Pain in the ass of pains in the ass...

Tmux default prefix key, conflicts with emacs keybinding for
beginning-of-visual-line. Fortunately it is an easy fix. Unfortunately, for
some reason, the fix doesn't work on tilde.club. It probably does work. I
am probably just doing something wrong. In fact, I would guarantee that I
am doing something wrong.

Gain from pain...

Changing the prefix key is easy you just edit .tmux.conf and unbind C-a ;;
or whatever sometimes its C-b set -g prefix C-\\ ;; or whatever.

Here is the thing, finding a keybinding that meshes well with tmux and
emacs is a real pain. After hunting and pecking I settled on C-\ because it
is not useful to me in emacs or bash (for a fact I don't think it is bound
in bash, let me check, nope it isn't) so the least intrusive key for me is
the least useful in emacs.

Again for me this works, for you it might not.

One cool thing you can do in tmux is set the key on the fly by hitting

<prefix> :

Which gives you a command prompt where you can interact with tmux, then

set -g prefix C-\\

Which means set prefix globally to C-\. You need to escape the oblique
stroke because reasons.

This is handy because you can test drive a key binding while using emacs
and not have to reload or restart tmux.

One more thing you might need is

<prefix> :unbind C-a

Just test a key and unbind it if it doesn't work for you. But make sure to
set a new prefix before unbinding the old one or you are screwed.