ford (updated by deepend)

     / WELCOME TO TILDE.CLUB A place for web \
     \ pages                                 /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Looking to join? We can't wait to meet you!

Sign up on our main page https://tilde.club/signup[1]!

Several alternate sites have sprouted up[2]

How did this accidentally awesome thing get started?

Paul wrote an explanation on Medium[3] and you can follow along with his
thinking on his tilde blog[4].

I'm on Tilde, now what?

Tilde has a great community culture and we're trying hard to keep it
that way. We're working on some netiquette outlines for people who are
new to all of this. In the meantime...

-   no drama. be respectful. have fun. we're all trying, and we're all
    in this together :)

Got it, don't be a jerk. But how do I, like, do things?

Here are some good places to start

-   the unofficial official tilde primer[5]
-   some more quick tips[6]
-   how do I usenet in tilde.club[7]?
-   help me understand 'screen'[8]

Who are all these folks and what are they up to?

-   tell me some lore[9]?
-   who is online right now[10]?
-   who updated their websites recently[11]?
-   can you give me a blogroll[12]?

Disk Quotas Now Enforced

To help keep tilde.club running smoothly, we’ve introduced disk quotas.
This helps make sure everyone gets their fair share of space and keeps
the system in good shape.

Here’s what you need to know:

-   Soft Limit: 1 GB – You’ll get a heads-up if you go over this, but
    you can still use more space up to the hard limit.
-   Hard Limit: 3 GB – This is the max. If you hit this limit, you’ll
    need to clear some space before adding more files.
-   Grace Period: 1 week – If you exceed the soft limit, you have 7 days
    to get back under it before the hard limit kicks in.

You can check your usage and see how much space you have left by running
the resources-used script in your home directory.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, just reach out. We’re
all in this together!

My function keys don’t work in byobu! (using Windows PuTTY)


Change your Terminal->Keyboard->“The Function keys and keypad” setting
to “XTerm R6”.


I am using PuTTY 0.73 Windows 11, and could not get byobu hotkeys to
work. Instead of creating or changing windows with F2, F3, and F4, the
byobu command line would display a ~ every time I hit a a function key.
The solution was to change my PuTTY settings for “XTerm R6” emulation.
Now the Function keys work great, including F8! Note there are other
articles out there that suggest using “VT100+” instead of “XTerm R6”.
Althought VT100+ helped out F2, F3, and F4, it did not help F8 and some
of the higher keys–that is where “XTerm R6” solved the rest.


-   Function Key Fix at codeyarns.com[13]
-   Byobu Keybindings Cheat Sheet at cheatography.com[14])

Other links

-   Github[15]
-   Webring[16]
-   TildeClub Badge[17]
-   TildeRadio[18]

How do you pronounce "tilde"?

Tilde the word is pronounced TIL-duh. Tilde the community is pronounced

We can't wait to meet you. Seriously.

         __         .' '.
       _/__)        .   .       .
      (8|)_}}- .      .        .
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[1] https://tilde.club/signup

[2] http://tilde.club/%7Epfhawkins/othertildes.html


[4] http://tilde.club/~ford/

[5] http://tilde.club/~anthonydpaul/primer.html

[6] http://tilde.club/~pfhawkins/tipsntricks.html

[7] http://tilde.club/wiki/usenet-news.html

[8] http://tilde.club/~jonathan/screen/

[9] http://tilde.club/~joeld/tildelore.html

[10] http://tilde.club/~whitneymcn/whoville.shtml

[11] http://tilde.club/tilde.24h.php

[12] http://tilde.club/~_/


[14] https://cheatography.com/mikemikk/cheat-sheets/byobu-keybindings/

[15] https://github.com/tildeclub/tilde.club

[16] http://tilde.club/~harper/link.html?action=join

[17] http://tilde.club/~zarate/badge.html

[18] https://tilderadio.org/