;;; emus.el --- Simple mp3 player  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2019 Tim Vaughan

;; Author: Tim Vaughan <timv@ughan.xyz>
;; Created: 8 December 2019
;; Version: 1.0
;; Keywords: multimedia
;; Homepage: http://thelambdalab.xy/emus
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26"))

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This is a simple package for playing audio from a local directory
;; tree of mp3 files.  It uses the program mpg123 as its back-end.
;; Currently the library is loaded completely every time emus starts.

;;; Code:

(provide 'emus)

;;; Dependencies

(require 'seq)

;;; Customizations

(defgroup emus nil
  "Simple music player for Emacs."
  :group 'multimedia)

(defcustom emus-directory "~/Music/"
  "Directory containing audio files for emus."
  :type '(string))

(defcustom emus-mpg123-program "mpg123"
  "Name of (and, optionally, path to) mpg123 binary."
  :type '(string))

(defcustom emus-mpg123-args nil
  "Arguments to pass to mpg123."
  :type '(repeat string))

(defface emus-artist
  '((((background dark)) :inherit font-lock-string-face :background "#222" :extend t)
    (t :inherit font-lock-string-face :background "#ddd" :extend t))
  "Face used for artist names in browser.")

(defface emus-album
  '((((background dark)) :inherit font-lock-constant-face :background "#111" :extend t)
    (t :inherit font-lock-constant-face :background "#eee" :extend t))
  "Face used for album names in browser.")

(defface emus-track
  '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
  "Face used for track titles in browser.")

(defface emus-track-current
  '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face :inverse-video t :extend t))
  "Face used for track titles in browser.")

(defface emus-cursor
  '((t :inherit bold))
  "Face used for current track cursor")

;;; Global variables

(defvar emus--proc-in-use nil
  "If non-nil, disables `emus-send-cmd'.
Used to prevent commands from interfering with library construction.")

(defvar emus-tracks nil
  "Emus audio library.")

(defvar emus-current-track nil
  "Currently-selected emus track.")

(defvar emus-state 'stopped
  "Current playback state.")

(defvar emus-continuous-playback t
  "If non-nil, emus will automatically play the next track when the current track is finished.")

(defvar emus-current-volume 100
  "The current playback volume.")

(defvar emus-current-progress ""
  "String describing the progress through the current track.")

(defvar emus-progress-enabled t
  "Current state of progress tracking.

To enable or disable progress tracking, using `emus-toggle-progress-tracking'.
(Changing the value of this variable will not affect anything.)")

;;; mpg123 process

(defun emus-get-process ()
  "Return current or new mpg123 process."
  (let* ((emus-process-raw (get-process "emus-process"))
         (emus-process (if emus-process-raw
                           (if (process-live-p emus-process-raw)
                             (kill-process emus-process-raw)
    (if emus-process
      (let ((proc
             (make-process :name "emus-process"
                           :command `(,emus-mpg123-program
        (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
        (unless emus-progress-enabled
          (process-send-string proc "silence\n"))

(defun emus--send-cmd-raw (cmd &rest args)
  "Send a command CMD with args ARGS to the mpg123 process.
This procedure does not respect `emus--proc-in-use' and thus should only
be used by `emus--load-library'."
    (process-send-string (emus-get-process)
                          (seq-reduce (lambda (s1 s2) (concat s1 " " s2)) args cmd)

(defun emus-send-cmd (cmd &rest args)
  "Send a command CMD with args ARGS to the mpg123 process."
  (unless emus--proc-in-use
    (apply #'emus--send-cmd-raw cmd args)))

(defun emus-kill-process ()
  "Kill any existing mpg123 process."
  (let ((emus-process (get-process "emus-process")))
    (if emus-process
        (kill-process emus-process))
    (setq emus-state 'stopped
          emus--proc-in-use nil
          emus-tracks nil)))

;;; Library

(defun emus-get-audio-files ()
  "Get all mp3 files in main emus directory."
   (directory-files-recursively emus-directory ".*\\.mp3")))

(defun emus-get-playlist-files ()
  "Get all m3u files in the main emus music directory."
   (directory-files-recursively emus-directory ".*\\.m3u")))

(defun emus-make-track (artist album title filename &optional pos)
  "Create an object representing an emus track.
ARTIST, ALBUM and TITLE are used to describe the track, FILENAME
refers to the mp3 file containing the track.  If non-nil, POS
specifies the position of the record representing this track in the
emus browser buffer."
  (list artist album title filename pos))

(defun emus-track-artist (track)
  "The artist corresponding to TRACK."
  (elt track 0))

(defun emus-track-album (track)
  "The album corresponding to TRACK."
  (elt track 1))

(defun emus-track-title (track)
  "The title of TRACK."
  (elt track 2))

(defun emus-track-file (track)
  "The mp3 file corresponding to TRACK."
  (elt track 3))

(defun emus-track-browser-pos (track)
  "The location of the browser buffer record corresponding to TRACK."
  (elt track 4))

(defun emus-set-track-browser-pos (track pos)
  "Set the location of the browser buffer record corresponding to TRACK to POS."
  (setf (seq-elt track 4) pos))

(defun emus--load-library (then)
  "Initialize the emus track library.
Once the library is initialized, the function THEN is called."
  (unless emus--proc-in-use
    (setq emus--proc-in-use t)
    (setq emus-state 'stopped)
    (setq emus-tracks nil)
    (let ((proc (emus-get-process))
          (tagstr "")
          (filenames (emus-get-audio-files)))
      (set-process-filter proc (lambda (proc string)
                                 (setq tagstr (concat tagstr string))
                                 (when (string-suffix-p "@P 1\n" string)
                                   (add-to-list 'emus-tracks
                                                (emus--make-track-from-tagstr (car filenames)
                                   (setq tagstr "")
                                   (setq filenames (cdr filenames))
                                   (if filenames
                                       (emus--send-cmd-raw "lp" (car filenames))
                                     (set-process-filter proc nil)
                                     (setq emus-tracks (reverse emus-tracks))
                                     (unless emus-current-track
                                       (setq emus-current-track (car emus-tracks)))
                                     (funcall then)
                                     (setq emus--proc-in-use nil)))))
      (emus--send-cmd-raw "lp" (car filenames)))))

(defun emus--dump-tracks ()

(defun emus--make-track-from-tagstr (filename tagstr)
  "Parse TAGSTR to populate the fields of a track corresponding to FILENAME."
  (let ((artist "Unknown Artist")
        (album "Unknown Album")
        (title filename))
    (dolist (line (split-string tagstr "\n"))
      (let ((found-artist (elt (split-string line "@I ID3v2.artist:") 1))
            (found-album (elt (split-string line "@I ID3v2.album:") 1))
            (found-title (elt (split-string line "@I ID3v2.title:") 1)))
         (found-artist (setq artist found-artist))
         (found-album (setq album found-album))
         (found-title (setq title found-title)))))
    (emus-make-track artist album title filename)))

(defun emus--add-tracks-from-playlist-files ()
  (let ((tracks nil))
    (dolist (filename (emus-get-playlist-files))
      (let ((artist "Playlists")
            (album (file-name-base filename))
            (title nil)
            (lines (split-string (with-temp-buffer
                                   (insert-file-contents filename)
        (dolist (line lines)
          (pcase (string-trim line)
            ((rx (: string-start
                    (* space)
                    (* (not ",")) ","
                    (let display-title (* any))
             (setq title display-title))
            ((rx (: string-start (* space) "#"))) ;skip other comments
            ((rx (let filename (+ any)))
             (setq tracks (cons (emus-make-track artist album (or title filename) filename)
             (setq title nil))))))
    (setq emus-tracks (append emus-tracks (reverse tracks)))))

(defun emus--sort-tracks ()
  "Sort the library tracks according to artist and album.
Leaves the track titles unsorted, so they will appear in the order specified
by the filesystem."
  (setq emus-tracks
        (sort emus-tracks
              (lambda (r1 r2)
                (let ((artist1 (emus-track-artist r1))
                      (artist2 (emus-track-artist r2)))
                  (if (string= artist1 artist2)
                      (let ((album1 (emus-track-album r1))
                            (album2 (emus-track-album r2)))
                        (string< album1 album2))
                    (string< artist1 artist2)))))))

(defmacro emus--with-library (&rest body)
  "Evaluate BODY with the library initialized."
  `(if emus-tracks
       (unless emus--proc-in-use ,@body)
      (lambda () ,@body))))

;;; Playback

(defun emus--suspend-cp ()
  "Suspend continuous playback."
  (setq emus-continuous-playback nil))

(defun emus--resume-cp ()
  "Resume continuous playback."
  (setq emus-continuous-playback t))

(defun emus--timestamp (seconds-total)
  "Produce a timestamp string representation of SECONDS-TOTAL."
  (let* ((seconds (truncate (mod seconds-total 60)))
         (minutes (truncate (/ seconds-total 60))))
    (format "%02d:%02d" minutes seconds)))

(defun emus-play-track (track)
  "Set TRACK as current and start playing."
   (let ((old-track emus-current-track))
     (emus-send-cmd "l" (emus-track-file track))
     (setq emus-state 'playing)
     (setq emus-current-track track)
     (setq emus-current-progress (if emus-progress-enabled "" " (progress disabled)"))
      (lambda (_proc string)
        (dolist (line (string-split string "\n"))
          (pcase line
            ((and "@P 0"
                  (guard emus-continuous-playback)
                  (guard (eq emus-state 'playing)))
            ((and (guard emus-progress-enabled)
                  (rx (: string-start
                         "@I ICY-META: StreamTitle="
                         (let str (+ (not ";")))
             (message (concat "Emus: Playing stream " str)))
            ((and (guard emus-progress-enabled)
                  (rx (: string-start
                         "@F "
                         (+ digit)
                         " "
                         (+ digit)
                         " "
                         (let left-str (+ (not " ")))
                         " "
                         (let right-str (+ any)))))
             (let* ((left (string-to-number left-str))
                    (right (string-to-number right-str))
                    (total (+ left right)))
               (setq emus-current-progress
                     (format " %s/%s"
                             (emus--timestamp left)
                             (emus--timestamp total)))))
     (emus--update-track old-track)
     (emus--update-track track)

(defun emus-select-track (track)
  "Set TRACK as current, but do not start playing."
   (let ((old-track emus-current-track))
     (setq emus-state 'stopped)
     (setq emus-current-track track)
     (emus--update-track old-track)
     (emus--update-track track)
     (emus-send-cmd "o")

(defun emus-stop ()
  "Stop playback of the current track."
   (setq emus-state 'stopped)
   (emus--update-track emus-current-track)
   (emus-send-cmd "s")))

(defun emus-playpause ()
  "Begin playback of the current track.
If the track is already playing, pause playback.
If the track is currently paused, resume playback."
   (when emus-current-track
     (if (eq emus-state 'stopped)
         (emus-play-track emus-current-track)
       (emus-send-cmd "p")
       (pcase emus-state
         ((or 'paused 'stopped) (setq emus-state 'playing))
         ('playing (setq emus-state 'paused)))
       (unless (eq emus-state 'paused)))
     (emus--update-track emus-current-track))))

(defun emus-set-volume (pct)
  "Set the playback volume to PCT %."
   (setq emus-current-volume pct)
   (emus-send-cmd "v" (number-to-string pct))))

(defun emus-volume-increase-by (delta)
  "Increase the playback volume by DELTA %."
  (emus-set-volume (max 0 (min 100 (+ emus-current-volume delta)))))

(defun emus-volume-up ()
  "Increase the playback volume by 10%."
  (emus-volume-increase-by 10))

(defun emus-volume-down ()
  "Decrease the playback volume by 10%."
  (emus-volume-increase-by -10))

(defun emus--play-adjacent-track (&optional prev)
  "Play the next track in the library, or the previous if PREV is non-nil."
   (let ((idx (seq-position emus-tracks emus-current-track))
         (offset (if prev -1 +1)))
     (if idx
         (let ((next-track (elt emus-tracks (+ idx offset))))
           (if next-track
               (if (eq emus-state 'playing)
                   (emus-play-track next-track)
                 (emus-select-track next-track))
             (error "Track does not exist")))
       (error "No track selected")))))

(defun emus--play-adjacent-album (&optional prev)
  "Play the first track of the next album in the library.
If PREV is non-nil, plays the last track of the previous album."
   (let ((idx (seq-position emus-tracks emus-current-track)))
     (if idx
         (let* ((search-list (if prev
                                 (reverse (seq-subseq emus-tracks 0 idx))
                               (seq-subseq emus-tracks (+ idx 1))))
                (current-album (emus-track-album emus-current-track))
                (next-track (seq-some (lambda (r)
                                        (if (string= (emus-track-album r)
           (if next-track
               (if (eq emus-state 'playing)
                   (emus-play-track next-track)
                 (emus-select-track next-track))
             (error "Track does not exist")))
       (error "No track selected")))))

(defun emus-play-next ()
  "Play the next track in the library."

(defun emus-play-prev ()
  "Play the previous track in the library."
  (emus--play-adjacent-track t))

(defun emus-play-next-album ()
  "Play the first track of the next album in the library."

(defun emus-play-prev-album ()
  "Play the last track of the previous album in the library."
  (emus--play-adjacent-album t))

(defun emus-jump (seconds)
  "Jump forward in current track by SECONDS seconds."
   (emus-send-cmd "jump" (format "%+ds" seconds))))

(defun emus-jump-10s-forward ()
  "Jump 10 seconds forward in current track."
  (emus-jump 10))

(defun emus-jump-10s-backward ()
  "Jump 10 seconds backward in current track."
  (emus-jump -10))

(defun emus-jump-1m-forward ()
  "Jump 1 minute forward in current track."
  (emus-jump 60))

(defun emus-jump-1m-backward ()
  "Jump 1 minute backward in current track."
  (emus-jump -60))

(defun emus-display-status ()
  "Display the current playback status in the minibuffer."
    (concat "Emus: Volume %d%%"
            (pcase emus-state
              ('stopped " [Stopped]")
              ('paused (format " [Paused%s]" emus-current-progress))
              ('playing (format " [Playing%s]" emus-current-progress))
              (_ ""))
            " %s")
    (if emus-current-track
        (format "- %.30s (%.20s, %.20s)"
                (emus-track-title emus-current-track)
                (emus-track-album emus-current-track)
                (emus-track-artist emus-current-track))

(defun emus-toggle-progress-tracking ()
  "Enable/disable progress tracking."
  (setq emus-progress-enabled (not emus-progress-enabled))
  (if emus-progress-enabled
        (emus-send-cmd "progress")
        (setq emus-current-progress ""))
      (emus-send-cmd "silence")
      (setq emus-current-progress " (progress diabled)"))))

;;; Browser

(defun emus--insert-track (track &optional prev-track first)
  "Insert a button representing TRACK into the current buffer.

When provided, PREV-TRACK is used to determine whether to insert additional
headers representing the artist or the album title.

If non-nil, FIRST indicates that the track is the first in the library
and thus requires both artist and album headers."
  (let* ((artist (emus-track-artist track))
         (album (emus-track-album track))
         (title (emus-track-title track))
         (album-symb (intern (concat artist album)))
         (help-str (format "mouse-1, RET: Play '%.30s' (%.20s)" title artist))
         (field (intern album))) ;Allows easy jumping between albums with cursor.
    (when (or prev-track first)
      (unless (equal (emus-track-artist prev-track) artist)
         (propertize artist 'face 'emus-artist)
         'action #'emus--click-track
         'follow-link t
         'help-echo help-str
         'emus-track track
         'field field)
        (insert (propertize "\n"
                            'face 'emus-artist
                            'field field)))
      (unless (equal (emus-track-album prev-track) album)
         (propertize (concat "  " album) 'face 'emus-album)
         'action #'emus--click-track
         'follow-link t
         'help-echo help-str
         'emus-track track
         'field field)
        (insert (propertize "\n"
                            'face 'emus-album
                            'field field))))
    (emus-set-track-browser-pos track (point))
    (let ((is-current (equal track emus-current-track)))
        (if is-current
             (pcase emus-state
               ('playing "->")
               ('paused "-)")
               ('stopped "-]"))
             'face 'emus-cursor)
          (propertize "  " 'face 'default))
        (propertize (format "   %s" title)
                    'face (if is-current
       'action #'emus--click-track
       'follow-link t
       'help-echo help-str
       'emus-track track
       'invisible album-symb
       'field field)
      (insert (propertize "\n"
                          'face (if is-current
                          'field field
                          'invisible album-symb)))))

(defun emus--update-track (track)
  "Rerender entry for TRACK in emus browser buffer.
Used to update browser display when `emus-current-track' and/or `emus-state' changes."
  (let ((track-pos (emus-track-browser-pos track)))
    (when (and (get-buffer "*emus*")
               (emus-track-browser-pos track))
      (with-current-buffer "*emus*"
        (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
              (old-point (point)))
          (goto-char track-pos)
          (search-forward "\n")
          (delete-region track-pos (point))
          (goto-char track-pos)
          (emus--insert-track track)
          (goto-char old-point))))))

(defun emus--render-tracks ()
  "Render all library tracks in emus browser buffer."
  (with-current-buffer "*emus*"
    (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
          (old-pos (point)))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (let ((prev-track nil))
        (dolist (track emus-tracks)
          (emus--insert-track track prev-track (not prev-track))
          (setq prev-track track)))
      (goto-char old-pos))))

(defun emus--click-track (button)
  "Begin playback of track indicated by BUTTON."
  (emus-play-track (button-get button 'emus-track))

(defun emus-goto-current ()
  "Move point to the current track in the browser buffer, if available."
  (when (and (get-buffer "*emus*")
    (with-current-buffer "*emus*"
        (goto-char (emus-track-browser-pos emus-current-track)))))

(defun emus-browse ()
  "Switch to *emus* audio library browser."
   (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*emus*")

(defun emus-refresh ()
  "Refresh the emus library."
  (setq emus-tracks nil)

;;; Playback + status display commands

(defun emus-playpause-status ()
  "Start, pause or resume playback, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-stop-status ()
  "Stop playback, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-volume-up-status ()
  "Increase volume by 10%, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-volume-down-status ()
  "Decrease volume by 10%, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-play-next-status ()
  "Play next track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-play-prev-status ()
  "Play previous track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-play-next-album-status ()
  "Play first track of next album, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-play-prev-album-status ()
  "Play last track of previous album, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-jump-10s-forward-status ()
  "Jump 10s forward in current track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-jump-10s-backward-status ()
  "Jump 10s backward in current track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-jump-1m-forward-status ()
  "Jump 10s forward in current track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-jump-1m-backward-status ()
  "Jump 10s backward in current track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-toggle-progress-status ()
  "Toggle progress tracking, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-goto-current-status ()
  "Move point to the current track, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."

(defun emus-refresh-status ()
  "Refresh the emus library, then display the emus status in the minibuffer."
  (setq emus-tracks nil)

(defun emus-restart-browse ()
  "Restart the emus process, then refresh the browse window."
  (message "Restarting mpg123.")
  (run-at-time 0.1 nil #'emus-browse)) ;Slight delay to wait for kill signal to take effect

(defun emus-restart-status ()
  "Restart the emus process, then display the status."
  (message "Restarting mpg123.")
  (run-at-time 0.1 nil #'emus-display-status)) ;Slight delay to wait for kill signal to take effect

(defvar emus-browser-mode-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'emus-playpause-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "o") 'emus-stop-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "+") 'emus-volume-up-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "=") 'emus-volume-up-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "-") 'emus-volume-down-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "R") 'emus-refresh-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "n") 'emus-play-next-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "p") 'emus-play-prev-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "N") 'emus-play-next-album-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "P") 'emus-play-prev-album-status)
    (define-key map (kbd ",") 'emus-jump-10s-backward-status)
    (define-key map (kbd ".") 'emus-jump-10s-forward-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "<") 'emus-jump-1m-backward-status)
    (define-key map (kbd ">") 'emus-jump-1m-forward-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "c") 'emus-goto-current-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "#") 'emus-toggle-progress-status)
    (define-key map (kbd "!") 'emus-restart-browse)
    (when (fboundp 'evil-define-key*)
      (evil-define-key* 'motion map
        (kbd "SPC") 'emus-playpause-status
        (kbd "o") 'emus-stop-status
        (kbd "+") 'emus-volume-up-status
        (kbd "=") 'emus-volume-up-status
        (kbd "-") 'emus-volume-down-status
        (kbd "R") 'emus-refresh-status
        (kbd "n") 'emus-play-next-status
        (kbd "p") 'emus-play-prev-status
        (kbd "N") 'emus-play-next-album-status
        (kbd "P") 'emus-play-prev-album-status
        (kbd ",") 'emus-jump-10s-backward-status
        (kbd ".") 'emus-jump-10s-forward-status
        (kbd "<") 'emus-jump-1m-backward-status
        (kbd ">") 'emus-jump-1m-forward-status
        (kbd "c") 'emus-goto-current-status
        (kbd "#") 'emus-toggle-progress-status
        (kbd "!") #'emus-restart-browse))
  "Keymap for emus browser.")

(define-derived-mode emus-browser-mode special-mode "emus-browser"
  "Major mode for EMUS music player file browser."
  (setq-local buffer-invisibility-spec nil))

(when (fboundp 'evil-set-initial-state)
  (evil-set-initial-state 'emus-browser-mode 'motion))

;;; emus.el ends here