/usr/spool/uucppublic/support/files from site umunk, last updated at 03/09/95

Files with extension .Z are compressed with *-b16* to reduce disk space
and transfer times!

If you run COHERENT 3.x:
To uncompress be sure, that you have increased the size of the ram1 device
to 640kb (see your COHERENT documentation)! Please be *patient* while
uncompressing, it needs much more time then files compressed with -b12.

Files with extension .z are compressed with gzip, a port for COHERENT 4.0
is available in the cohsrc directory.

bm.o.z		   825 Harry C. Pulley's generic bitmap driver, compiled under r70
cd-kit.tgz	364794 CD-ROM support for Coherent 4.2
coh42sdb.tar.z	693579 all you need for source code debuging under 4.2
dialog.z	 30639 create color menus from shell scripts, sources in cohsrc
emacs.tgz      1083818 GNU emacs 18.59 binary distributions
gdb49.z		329574 GNU source code debuger 4.9
ginstall.tgz	 11528 GNU install binary and manual page
gld2.4.z	 76920 GNU linker 2.4
gm4.z		 30279 GNU m4 binary
gmake.z		 53067 GNU make 3.69 binary
gnubifl.tgz	 97227 GNU bison + flex binaries and manual pages
gnubin.tgz	414206 GNU awk, bash, m4, install, make, patch, sed binaries + manuals
gsed.z		 18026 GNU sed binary
gtar.z		 49302 GNU tar 1.11.2 binary
gunzip.Z 	 29263 GNU unzip binary
perl.tgz	407370 complete binary distribution of Perl 4.036
users.tgz	 38245 tool for user administration, Coherent 4.2