Software Disk 2 for the HAM-E

Disk contains the following files:
Docs                               Dir ----rwed 24-Apr-91 13:06:17                          894 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:15:08                         894 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:15:10
.info                               58 ----rwed 24-Apr-91 12:43:34
Library                            Dir ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:02                          430 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:20
rexx                               Dir ----rwed 24-Apr-91 13:06:27                        366 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:15:13                          894 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:53                       894 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:55
ReadMe                            2990 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:59
paint                           398024 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:14:20                         732 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:14:21
tools                              Dir ----rwed 24-Apr-91 13:06:08
10 files - 4 directories - 815 blocks used

Directory "Docs" on Friday 11-Jan-02
paint.doc                       193137 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:15:06                     366 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:15:08
.info                               26 ----rwed 24-Apr-91 13:06:20
3 files - 383 blocks used

Directory "Library" on Friday 11-Jan-02
lharc                            36304 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:11:59
hlib.lzh                         72685 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:20
2 files - 215 blocks used

Directory "rexx" on Friday 11-Jan-02
.info                               16 ----rwed 24-Apr-91 13:06:28
rmanim.rexx                      25734 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:24
brut.rexx                          254 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:26
ma.rexx                            543 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:26
upGB.rexx                          481 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:28
km.rexx                            125 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:28
rot1.rexx                          297 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:29
readhsv.rexx                       239 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:30
dim25.rexx                         232 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:31
rot10.rexx                         301 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:33
rot90.rexx                         301 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:34
readpal.rexx                       308 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:35
seeya.rexx                          78 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:36
rangepal.rexx                     1277 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:37
radial.rexx                        479 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:40
pop.rexx                           166 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:41
pclear.rexx                         61 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:42
mypal.rexx                        1009 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:44
lumapal.rexx                       147 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:47
loadseq.rexx                       196 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:48
kidspal.rexx                       298 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:49
hsvpal.rexx                        142 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:50
hsvcirc.rexx                       125 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:12:52
23 files - 100 blocks used

Directory "tools" on Friday 11-Jan-02
.info                               21 ----rwed 24-Apr-91 13:06:09
read                             11484 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:14:24                          932 ----rwed 16-Apr-91 10:14:26
3 files - 29 blocks used

TOTAL: 41 files - 4 directories - 1542 blocks used