I was browsing this site in Lagrange and noticed that any 'h' type
(HTTP/S) links in my gophermap weren't shown.  Only the Gopher
links appeared.  Yet the 'h' lines were visible in other browsers
like Bombadillo.

After spending some time tracking down the problem, I noticed that
my server software (pygopherd) was modifying the selector for these
links by prepending a slash to them.

So, what I had in my gophermap was:

	hExample    URL:https://example.com/

But what the server was sending was:

	hExample    /URL:https://example.com/

As far as I can tell, this is out-of-spec for the Gopher protocol
(at least considering as HTTP/S links aren't actually "part of the
Gopher spec" at all).

Bombadillo accepts it and does the intended thing.  Lagrange ignores
the line.

I was able to fix this by editing gopherentry.py and adding lines
191 and 192 below:

    188 def getselector(self, default = None): 
    189     if self.selector == None: 
    190	        return default 
    191     if self.type == 'h' and self.selector[0] == '/': 
    192         return self.selector[1:]
    193     return self.selector

In a nutshell: if it's an 'h' line, and the selector has a slash at
the beginning, just return the part after the slash as the selector.

And with that, my HTTP/S links are visible in Lagrange!