The following is an excerpt from the book "Object Success" by Bertrand



A "C hacker" is someone who has had too much practice writing
low-level C software and making use of all the special techniques and
tricks permitted by that language.

Why single out C? First, interestingly enough, one seldom hears about
Pascal hackers, Ada hackers or Modula hackers. C, which since the late
nineteen-seventies has spread rapidly throughought the computing
community, especially in the USA, typifies a theology of computing
whenre the Computer is the central deity and its altar reads
Efficiency. Everything is sacrificed to low-level performance, and
programs are built in terms of addresses, words, memory cells,
pointers, manual memory allocation and deallocation, unsafe type
conversions, signals and similar machine-oriented constructs. In this
almost monotheist cult, where the Microsecond and the Kilobyte
complete the trinity, there is little room for such idols of software
engineering as Readability, Provability and Extendibility.

Not surprisingly, former believers need a serious debriefing before
they can rejoin the rest of the computing community and its progress
towards more modern forms of software development.

The above principle does not say "Stay away from C hackers", which
would show lack of faith in the human aptitude to betterment. There
have indeed been cases of former C hackers who became born-again O-O
developers. But in general you should be cautious about including C
hackers in your projects, as they are often the ones who have the most
trouble adapting to the abstraction-based form of software development
that object technology embodies.