I just came back from watching the new Top Gun film (that's number
two, in case you're reading this in the far future where it turned
into a franchise).  It's obviously an endorsement of the US military
and its use as an instrument of US foreign policy, which you might
consider either to be good, bad, or inevitable.  But it's a trivial
discussion, so I won't be getting into that.

Here's my short summary of the film: it's good.  Shockingly better
than a sequel to an 80s classic has any right to be.  Not only does it
pay homage to the original in exactly the right way, but it manages to
improve on it with even fancier (non-CGI!) aerobatics and a deeper
plot - although it's still pretty thin; let's not make this film into
something it's not.

So yeah, go see it.  It's not just a good Top Gun sequel, it's a
downright good movie.