# Update zim library 2024-01-23T15:15:42Z If for some reasons you're offline, you still can read wikipedia or other knowledge sources thanks to kiwix project: => https://kiwix.org/en/ It uses dumps writen in zim files. You can find a lot of them here: => https://download.kiwix.org/zim From wikipedia to gutenberg and even french show "C'est pas sorcier" i used to watch when I was a kid. Most of the times, zim files are big. To update them one in a while, i wrote a script: zim-update.sh. It require curl to download zim files, but you can use wget or another tool if you prefer. I strongly suggest to uncomment parts of the script using aria2 to download zim with bittorrent protocol. In the end, kiwix-manage add new zim to your library, you can read them in a browser thanks to kiwix-serve. It looks like this: => /log/img/kiwix-serve-shot.png ```zim-update.sh #!/bin/sh # update zim files # see https://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Content_in_all_languages # require kiwix-tools and curl zim_dir=~/docs/zim zim_library=~/docs/zim/library.xml zims="wikipedia_fr_all_nopic wiktionary_fr_all_nopic vikidia_fr_all_maxi lesbelleshistoires_fr" dlurl="https://download.kiwix.org/zim" cd "${zim_dir}" for z in ${zims}; do # please uncomment to use torrent if you can. Install aria2 to do so #zimurl="${dlurl}/${z}.zim" #zimtorrent="${zimurl}.torrent" #aria2c --seed-time=0 "${zimtorrent}" # disable seed #rm *.torrent # direct download curl -L -O -C - "${zimurl}" done # add zims to library for zim in *.zim; do kiwix-manage "${zim_library}" add "${zim}" done cat << EOF You can now run kiwix-serve --library ${zim_library} -p 51318 and open a browser at EOF ``` --- Comment? Send it to: => mailto:bla@bla.si3t.ch?subject=update-zim-library Find instructions here: => https://si3t.ch/log/_commentaires_.txt