
   Tinyphysicsengine (TPE) is a very simple [1]suckless/[2]KISS physically
   inaccurate 3D [3]physics engine made according to [4]LRS principles (by
   [5]drummyfish). Similarly to other LRS libraries such as [6]small3dlib,
   [7]smallchesslib, [8]raycastlib etc., it is written in pure [9]C with no
   dependencies (not even [10]standard library) as a [11]single header
   library, using only [12]fixed point math, made to be efficient and tested
   on extremely small and weak devices such as [13]Pokitto. It is completely
   [14]public domain [15]free software ([16]CC0) and is written in fewer than
   3500 [17]lines of code. TPE got some attention even on [18]hacker news
   where people kind of appreciated it and liked it. { Until they found my
   website lol. Just to clarify I did not post it to HN myself, I was
   surprised to find an email that someone posted it there and that it went
   trending :) Thank you to anyone who posted it <3 ~drummyfish }

   The repository is currently at

   Let's stress that TPE is NOT physically accurate, its purpose is mainly
   entertainment, simplicity and experimenting; a typical imagined usecase is
   in some suckless [19]game that just needs to add some simple "alright
   looking" physics for effect. { Though I am currently in process of making
   a full racing game with it. ~drummyfish } It tries to respect physics
   equations where possible but uses cheap [20]approximations otherwise. For
   example all shapes are in fact just soft bodies made of spheres connected
   by stiff wires, i.e. there are no other primitives like cuboids or
   capsules. Environments are made by defining a custom [21]signed distance
   field (ish) function -- this allows setting up all kinds of environments
   (even [22]dynamic ones, precomputation is not required), checking a
   sphere-SDF collision is very easy.

1. suckless.md
2. kiss.md
3. physics_engine.md
4. lrs.md
5. drummyfish.md
6. small3dlib.md
7. smallchesslib.md
8. raycastlib.md
9. c.md
10. stdlib.md
11. single_header.md
12. fixed_point.md
13. pokitto.md
14. public_domain.md
15. free_software.md
16. cc0.md
17. loc.md
18. hacker_news.md
19. game.md
20. approximation.md
21. sdf.md
22. dynamic.md