Welcome To The Island!

   This is the freedom island where [1]we live. Many would call it [2]utopia,
   we just call it the Island for now. If you feel like you don't fit
   anywhere in [3]today's world, if you feel alone and alienated and just
   want to escape somewhere quiet and peaceful, you can be at home here. This
   island has [4]no owners, no governments, politicians, [5]corporations, no
   businesses or [6]money, no need to [7]fight for the place under the Sun,
   no [8]regulation of speech, no bullying. Simply be yourself and exist as
   best as you can. Take off your clothes if you want, no one wears them
   here. You can build yourself a hut on any free spot. Planting trees and
   making landscape works is allowed too. Basically we have [9]no laws, just
   empathy and [10]love.

                                                 distant Normieland
                                                  The Land of Soy
                         The Freedom Island
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     * B: [11]boat: Here you can depart from the Island back to the cruel
       world. New people also arrive here, and sometimes we have to go to
       Normieland to retrieve stuff we can't yet make on our own.
     * D: [12]drummyfish's house: It's a plain bamboo hut near the beach,
       drummyfish lives here with the [13]dog who however often roams the
       whole Island and welcomes all the newcomers.
     * E: [14]education area: Place where people go to learn and teach,
       everyone is a teacher and student at the same time, flat rocks and
       cave walls on this side of island are conveniently used as a kind of
     * F: the beach forum: It's a beach where people naturally gather to
       discuss in groups.
     * G: [15]graveyard
     * I: small island: A small island on the coast, for those who want to be
       extra alone.
     * T: a modest [16]zen [17]temple: It has nice view of the sea and we go
       meditate here.

   TODO: food sources: fields and sea farms (only vegetarian), food can also
   be retrieved from normieland (stolen or bought for money we somehow make,
   maybe by selling some kinda shit we create on the island), anything that
   died by natural causes can also be eaten probably, food naturally found in
   nature like coconuts or something

See Also

     * [18]Utopia
     * [19]Loquendo City

1. less_retarded_society.md
2. utopia.md
3. 21st_century.md
4. free_universe.md
5. corporation.md
6. money.md
7. fight_culture.md
8. political_correctness.md
9. anarchism.md
10. love.md
11. boat.md
12. drummyfish.md
13. dog.md
14. education.md
15. graveyard.md
16. zen.md
17. temple.md
18. utopia.md
19. loquendo.md