Future-Proof Technology

   Future-proof technology is [1]technology that is very likely to stay
   functional for a very long time with minimal to no [2]maintenance, even
   considering significant changes in state of technology in society. In a
   world of relatively complex technology, such as that of [3]computers, this
   feature is generally pretty hard to achieve; today's [4]consumerist
   society makes the situation even much worse by focusing on immediate
   profit without long-term planning and by implementing things such as
   [5]bloat, intentional introduction of complexity, [6]obscurity,
   [7]dependencies and [8]planned obsolescence. But with good approach, such
   as that of [9]LRS, it is very possible to achieve.

   A [10]truly good technology is trying to be future-proof because this
   saves us the great cost of maintenance and reinventing wheels and it gives
   its users comfort and safety; users of future-proof technology know they
   can build upon it without fearing it will suddenly break.

   Despite the extremely bad situation not all hope is lost. At least in the
   world of [11]software future-proofing can be achieved by:

     * [12]Free (as in freedom) software -- making your source code
       available, legally modifyable and shareable is a basic step towards
       making it easy to repair, backup and adopt to new technology (e.g.
       compile for new CPU architectures etc.).
     * Building on top of already well established, time-tested and
       relatively [13]simple technology such as the [14]C language or
       [15]comun. Choosing to use the older standards with fewer features
       helps greatly as the less-feature-rich versions of languages are
       always more supported (for example there is many more C89 compilers
       than C17 compilers) and can even be relatively simply reimplemented if
       needed. Another example is e.g. [16]OpenGL -- you should use the
       oldest (simplest) version you can to make a program better future
     * Minimizing [17]dependencies to absolute bare minimum and offering
       alternatives and [18]fallbacks in cases where you can't avoid
       introducing a dependency (e.g. you should always offer an option for
       [19]software rendering in any program that by default uses [20]GPU for
       3D graphics). Dependencies are likely the single greatest cause of
       software death because if one of your dependencies dies, you whole
       project dies, and this goes [21]recursively for all of the
       dependencies of the dependencies etc. This usually means software
       [22]libraries but also goes for other software such as [23]build
       systems and also [24]hardware dependencies such as requiring GPU,
       floating point, special instructions etc.
     * Practicing [25]minimalism and reducing complexity which minimizes the
       maintenance cost and therefore raises the probability of someone being
       able to fix any issues that arise over time. Minimalism is necessary
       and EXTREMELY important, [26]bloat will make your program very prone
       to dying as it will depend on a big community of programmers that
       maintain it and such community will itself always be very prone to
       disappearing (internals disagreements, stopped funding, lose of
       interest, ...).
     * Making your program [27]portable -- this ensures your program can be
       adapted to new platforms and also that you use abstractions that untie
       you from things such as hardware dependencies.
     * Generally just avoiding the hyped "modern" "feature-rich"
       ([28]bloated) technology arising from the consumerist market.
     * ...

   Just think. To see how likely your program is to die in short time just
   ponder for a while: what parts is it composed of and how likely is each of
   them to continue functioning and be fixed if it breaks? It's really like
   with a house or car. Notice that probability of breaking increases with
   complexity and probability of fixing decreases with complexity (because a
   fix has a higher cost -- it needs more time, energy, skill and so on). Is
   your program written in a simple language for which there already exist 10
   compilers and which can be implemented again in a month if needed? Then
   the program is not likely to die by compiler or anything that may kill a
   compiler, such as a different operating or a new CPU architecture. Is it
   written in a 5 year old language that's still changing under your hands,
   has a single compiler and which itself relies on 100 highly complex
   libraries? Chances of death are great, it is certain your program will
   break with the next update of the language, or the one after that, you'll
   have to be around to fix it, and then a month later and then another month
   and so on until you die, for every program you have written in this
   language. Does your program only need two libraries, both of which can
   easily be replaced by something else by only rewriting 10 lines of code?
   Then your program likely won't die because of these libraries! Does your
   program use 10 very convenient but complex libraries, each of which
   additionally uses 10 other libraries itself? In a simplified way you can
   see your program depending on 100 other libraries now, if a chance of one
   such library breaking during one year is 1%, the chance of your program
   breaking in one year is 1 - 0.99^100 ~= 63%; if it doesn't break this
   year, then the next or the one after that -- yeah, someone will likely fix
   a library that breaks, but maybe not, projects get abandoned out of
   burnout, boredom, in favor of new ones etc., and a fix of your dependency
   may also come with the need for you to be around and update your own
   program because of API change. Does your program depend on piece of
   consumerism hardware that in 2 years will stop being supported? Or some
   specific operating system or Internet service posing similar dangers? This
   is additional thing on your list to watch, else your program dies. If your
   program is broken without you being around, how likely will it be fixed by
   someone? How many people in the world will be capable and willing to fix
   it? If the program is simple, likely any average programmer will be able
   to fix it and if the fix takes 10 minutes of time, someone will most
   likely do it just out of boredom. If your program is 100 thousands lines
   of code long, requires knowledge of 10 specific framework APIs and its
   inner architecture just to modify anything of importance, average
   programmer won't be able to fix it, he won't even attempt it -- if there
   is someone able to do the job, he won't fix it unless someone pays him a
   lot of money. Your program is basically dead.

   Please take a look at the table below, maybe you'll be able to extract
   some patterns repeating in software development [29]history:

   technology    description                          born dead               
   [30]Lisp      programming langauage                1960 not before you     
   [31]Forth     programming langauage                1970 not before you     
   [32]C         programming langauage                1972 not before you     
   Objective-C   C++ but owned by a corporation,      1984 2014 (officially)  
                 everyone start using this!           
   RPG maker     Easily make RPG games just by        1992 basically a zombie 
                 clicking your mouse!                 
                 Make platfotm-independent games and                          
   Java Applets  web "apps", a comfortable platform   1995 2017 (officially)
                 to unify them all!                   
                 Comfortable IDE for rapid                                    
   Delphi        development of GUI "apps", a         1995 on deathbed
                 platform to unify them all!          
                 Make mobile games with this                                  
   J2ME          multiplatform framework to unify     1999 2015 (de facto)
                 them all!                            
                 Make impressive interactive games                            
   Adobe Flash   and web "apps", a comfortable        2007 2020 (officially)
                 pltform to unify them all!           
                 Easily make web "apps", a                                    
   Facebook Apps comfortable pltform to unify them    2007 2020 (de-facto)
   Blender Game  Easily make 3D games without even                            
   Engine        knowing any programming, comfortable 2000 2019 (officially)
                 platform to unify them all!          
   Unity 3D      Easily make multiplatform 3D games!  2005 currently dying    
   JavaScript +  Easily make impressive web "apps"!   2013 surely won't die,  
   React                                                   right?             
   Godot Engine  Easily make multiplatform 3D games!  2014 surely won't die,  

See Also

     * [33]finished
     * [34]sustainability
     * [35]portability
     * [36]software death
     * [37]future
     * https://unixsheikh.com/articles/how-to-write-software-that-will-keep-working-for-decades.html

1. technology.md
2. maintenance.md
3. computer.md
4. consumerism.md
5. bloat.md
6. obscurity.md
7. dependency.md
8. planned_obsolescence.md
9. lrs.md
10. lrs.md
11. software.md
12. free_software.md
13. kiss.md
14. c.md
15. comun.md
16. opengl.md
17. dependency.md
18. fallback.md
19. software_rendering.md
20. gpu.md
21. recursion.md
22. library.md
23. build_system.md
24. hardware.md
25. minimalism.md
26. bloat.md
27. portability.md
28. bloat.md
29. history.md
30. lisp.md
31. forth.md
32. c.md
33. finished.md
34. sustainability.md
35. portability.md
36. sw_death.md
37. future.md