Free Will

   You can do what you want, but you can't want what you want.

   Free will is a logically erroneous egocentric belief that humans (and
   possibly other living beings) are special in the universe by possessing
   some kind of soul which may disobey laws of physics and somehow make
   spontaneous, unpredictable decisions according to its "independent"
   desires. Actually that's the definition of absolute indeterminate free
   will; weaker definitions are also possible, e.g. volitional free will
   means just that one's actions are determined internally, or for the
   purposes of law definitions based on one's sanity may be made. But here
   we'll focus on the philosophical definition as that's what most autism
   revolves around. The Internet (and even academic) debates of free will are
   notoriously retarded to unbelievable levels, similarly to e.g. debates of

   { Sabine nicely explains it here
   ~drummyfish }

   Free will is usually discussed in relation to [2]determinism, an idea of
   everything (including human thought and behavior) being completely
   predetermined from the start of the universe. Determinism is the most
   natural and most likely explanation for the working of our universe; it
   states that laws of nature dictate precisely which state will follow from
   current state and therefore everything that will every happen is only
   determined by the initial conditions (start of the universe). As human
   brain is just matter like any other, it is no exception to the laws of
   nature. Determinism doesn't imply we'll be able to make precise
   predictions (see e.g. [3]chaos or [4]undecidability), just that everything
   is basically already set in stone as a kind of unavoidable fate. Basically
   the only other possible option is that there would be some kind true
   [5]randomness, i.e. that laws of nature don't specify an exact state to
   follow from current state but rather multiple states out of which one is
   "taken" at random -- this is proposed by some [6]quantum physicists as
   quantum physics seems to be showing the existence of inherent randomness.
   Nevertheless quantum physics may still be deterministic, see the theory of
   hidden variables and [7]superdeterminism (no, Bell test didn't disprove
   determinism). But EVEN IF the universe is non deterministic, free will
   still CANNOT exist. Therefore this whole debate is meaningless.

   Why is there no free will? Because it isn't logically possible, just like
   e.g. the famous omnipotent God (could he make a toast so hot he wouldn't
   be able to eat it?). Either the universe is deterministic and your
   decisions are already predetermined, or there exists an inherent
   randomness and your decisions are determined by a mere dice roll (which no
   one can call a free will more than just making every decision in life
   based on a coin toss). In either case your decisions are made for you by
   something "external". Even if you follow a basic definition of free will
   as "acting according to one's desires", you find that your decisions are
   DETERMINED by your desires, i.e. something you did not choose (your
   desires) makes decisions for you. There is no way out of this unless you
   reject logic itself.

   For some reason retards (basically everyone) don't want to accept this, as
   if accepting it changed anything, stupid [8]capitalists think that it
   would somehow belittle their "achievements" or what? Basically just like
   the people who used to let go of geocentrism. This is ridiculous, they
   hold on to the idea of their "PRECIOOOOUUUSS FREE WILL" to the death, then
   they go and consume whatever a TV tells them to consume. Indeed one of the
   most retarded things in the universe.
