# Systemata interna nova BSD

Yesterday I managed to lock myself out of my Pi, the sshd config was
all right I just added the wrong user to the group...
Created a group and user to only have sftp access, but I mistakenly
added my main user to the group, so no shell for me. Root access is
not allowed as are no other users that can access via ssh.
Had to connect the Pi to a monitor/keyboard combo to login.

A side effect of the restart was that I could connect a flash drive,
as last week NetBSD just threw an error for every single drive I
So until I document it for myself in a proper way here some notes:

* install the fuse-exfat package

* dmesg - to find out drive name (sd0 or something like that)

* disklabel sd0 - to find the partition (like i or e)

* mount.exfat-fuse /dev/sd0i /mnt

The drive was not very stable, vanished suddenly or said that the
directory does not even exist. Maybe it was due to the fact that I
connected a 20 year old 256 MB SanDisk Cruzer Micro - what can go
wrong :) I don't like throwing away stuff until it is absolutely not
working anymore. And it seemed fine under macOS and with exFAT on it.

Anyway NetBSD 10 and OpenBSD 7.5 are out. Upgrades need to be done
sometime. Let's see if I can upgrade on the Pi using sysupgrade. The
guide says that upgrading between major releases should be fine if one
upgrades the kernel and modules first, then after a reboot userland
should follow.


We had great weather today so we went for a walk and I also wanted to
ride my bike the first time this year, however wife had some problems
with the washing machine. It just did not want to start the spin cycle
and was stuck at 9 minutes remaining forever.
Cleaning and restarting the pump did not help - when empty it pumped
out all the water I poured into it and went through the whole cycle.
However with the single jumper in it it simply would not start
spinning, only slowly and was stuck again in the program.
I think a single jumper is is not enough to start it so wife added
more clothes and started the whole wash program.
Nevertheless it took a lot of time so no bike today.