You read a book of materials by wolis at 22:55 on Tue 20 Sep 2005 editThis book contains all of the base materials you can use when building objects.
readall book of materials to see them all
Use materials this way:
create a box made of metal the material called metal will be used to colour and code the box.
This way all metal objects will have similar properties without having to hand code them.
NOTE: Not much time has gone into thinking about what these base materials should be like so all suggestions are welcome.
Please address all suggestions to wolis like this:
create a suggestion for wolisedit itpost itThanks
giant earthworm
Written by
omenofdoom at 13:28 on Mon 06 Dec 2010
editThis is a pretty ordinary giant earthworm.
This is 1 year, 7 months, 9 days and 21 hours old
material called aberration
Written by
wolis at 13:45 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Hmm, this one is really hard to explain. This will be done later.
I.E. mindflayers (illithids), aboleths, neogi, grick, phantasmal slayer
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 43 minutes old
material called adamantine
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 10:17 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editObject/Construct Material
An extremely rare metal. Very, very hard. Adept at breaking other weapons when in weapon form. Adept at blocking and protecting against blows as an armor.
This is 5 years, 7 months, 6 days and 11 minutes old
material called animal
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:47 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Animals are defined as creatures without the intelligence to be considered sentient.
I.E. dogs, horses, birds, bulette
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 41 minutes old
material called beastiary
Written by
thorn at 04:38 on Sun 28 Jan 2007
editThis material is placed on those little white buttons you find in each zone object in the beastiary. You simply push it after creating your creature and setting it up with a weapons and treasure.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 18 days, 5 hours and 50 minutes old
material called candle
Written by
thorn at 05:21 on Wed 07 Feb 2007
editThe candle material reacts to the
light and
blow commands.
When lit, it will light the location, but shorten over time until health is gone.
The rate of shortening depends on the worth of a single candle. If you
create 10 candles worth 100 then
light the candles, each candle is worth 10 pennies and will shorten by 1 health every 1 out of 10 ticks until it burns out. The total worth is reduced by the worth of 1 at that time.
If you
create some candles, the singular class becomes 'candl'. This material detects and fixes it to 'candle' when lit.
If there are more than 1 candles (using the
more command), then each time it burns out, qty will be reduced and health will go back to healthmax.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 9 days, 5 hours and 7 minutes old
material called construct
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 14:51 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
These are creatures that are technically not living. Inanimate objects given the semblance of life by magic.
I.E. golems, animated objects
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 37 minutes old
material called decaymeat
Written by
thorn at 08:16 on Wed 10 Jan 2007
editThis material causes an object to be infested with vermin and gradually decay until it erases itself and is gone forever.
Works with tickloc, so decay is arrested when no one is around to see it.
Blocks: tickloc,ticked,decay,zero,slightly,partly,mostly,fully,byebye,kicked,dropcoins
Note: if the corpse has some worth, and someone kicks it, then it will create a pennies object that is worth a random part of the original object's worth, while deducting its own worth. Even if there is no worth, it makes a disgusting squishy sound.
Coders: Note the use of matvals to keep a counter. If we do it this way instead of using the counter field then you can have multiple materials that don't walk over each other's counters.
CustomizingOn the final decay phase, just before erasing the object, the block
deathbydecay is called. Create this block in an object with this material on it to do something appropriate.
An example:
read the material called leadquestThis is 5 years, 6 months, 6 days, 2 hours and 12 minutes old
material called demon
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:46 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Demons are evil and chaos personified. They do what they want, how they want.
I.E. balor, demogorgon (demon prince), succubus, babau
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 42 minutes old
material called devil
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:47 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Devils are evil and order personified. They do what they want, with planned, careful tactics.
I.E. pit fiend, bone devil, erinyes
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 41 minutes old
material called difficult
Written by
thorn at 06:24 on Sat 10 Feb 2007
editThis material can be used to make things a bit harder to do.
It requires some preparation.
Commands that currently work with this material:
use, goStep 1. Create the object, or choose one you already created.
Step 2. Put this material on the object
material it as _difficult_Step 3. Script the object.
Make a
difficultdata block that sets the following variables: $dcommand, $dlevel, $dskill, $dskillcap, and $dskilltip.
Then script something for failure under a
fail* block (where * is the command name you put in $dcommand).
If you don't do that, then the following scripts will happen by default:
$dcommand = 'use';
$dlevel = 5;
$dreq = 0;
$dskill = 'problem solving';
$dskillcap = 10;
$dskilltip = 69106;
''[$init_obj] has trouble figuring out [$target]'';
Note: double-quotes appear as ''
, so if you copy/paste the above you will need to change them back.The settings:$dcommand - The command that will be difficult when this object is the target (or second).
$dlevel - The value used for the skillcheck.
$dreq - The minimum skill required to even attempt this.
$dskill - The skill to be compared with the command.
$dskillcap - If the player doesn't have this skill, cap it at this value.
$dskilltip - if the player doen't have the skill, this is the object id of what tips the player on how to increase their 1st cap.
69106 to see how the above example is set up.
failuse - This block is called whenever the player tries to use the object but fails the skill-check. Other block names could be failpush, failpull, failgo, failget, etc.
Skill checksSkill checks are only performed if the player meets the minimum $dreq. This is the basis for the spell system, where spells can only be cast if one trains 1st within the appropriate school, and some trainers refuse to train those who have used skills they are strongly against.
To pass a skill check, the system generates a random number between 0 and the sum of the player's skill value with the $dlevel value. If the number is higher than the $dlevel value, then they pass the test. If the number is less, then the player is awared a point towards the next level of that skill.
Step 4. Prepare the object
init itThe material will read the values in the
difficultdata block and assign them to the material's values. Then it will report back with all of the difficulties placed on the object
(uhh... when Thorn gets that report done).
Step 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for each additional command.
Change the script in the
difficultdata block and prepare again via the
init command to make it difficult for more commands.
For example, let's say you have a trumpet that is hard to play. You could require a skill like 'music' for the
use and
play, and
blow commands. Since the commands are synonymous, just edit the
$dcommand to each command then prepare the object with
init to add it.
And finally...If you ever decide you don't want the object to be difficult, simply remove the _difficult_ material.
Or perhaps you messed up and want to start over, simply
material it as _easy_, then
init it. The easy material will remove the settings prepared previously with the _difficult_ material. Now replace _easy_ with _difficult_ and go to step 3.
think I could even make myself difficultThis is 5 years, 5 months, 6 days, 4 hours and 4 minutes old
material called door
Written by
wolis at 15:23 on Sat 25 Nov 2006
editThis door material checks the linkstate of the acting door to work out if its open or closed and displays messages accoringly.
This is 5 years, 7 months, 20 days, 19 hours and 5 minutes old
material called dragon
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:46 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Ah, this one is rather self explanatory.
Varieties: chromatic, metallic, gem, epic, extraplanar
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 42 minutes old
material called eitr
Written by
Luna at 19:25 on Tue 19 Aug 2008
editThis is a rather special material.
This is 3 years, 10 months, 26 days, 15 hours and 3 minutes old
material called elemental
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 15:06 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Elementals are the incarnation of their particular elemtent. Due to current lack of knowledge, how to implement each elemental type is currently not individually added.
I.E. fire, water, air, earth, paraelementals (combos)
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 22 minutes old
material called encounter
Written by
thorn at 06:10 on Mon 29 Jan 2007
editThis material is placed on an encountered creature by the zone material.
read the material called zoneread the command called setzoneIf you want to set up a creature for random encounters. Place them in the beastiary in the appropriate zone objects. Create a new zone object if there isn't one that matches your zone name.
It will attack any player who arrives in the location.
It will also attack the person the zone material tells it to (via the wakes reaction).
When dead, it will unlock and drop all items wielded, worn, carried, and in inventory, setting ownership to the player that it attacked.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 17 days, 4 hours and 18 minutes old
material called exitoutside
Written by
thorn at 05:48 on Wed 07 Feb 2007
editPut this material on an exit from a dark room to the outside world.
darken locationbuild a door to the yardmaterial the door to _exitoutside_When open, the exit is set to
the material called sky, which means it will light up the room during the day. The exit also takes on the colour of the sky.
When closed, the exit removes _sky_ and _light_ (just in case it was day when last opened). It also changes colour to brown.
You can also put this material on other objects besides exits.
darken locationcreate a windowmaterial the window to _exitoutside_open the windowNote, even though you can't go through the window, it still changes to the sky colour when open (lights the room as long as there is daylight).
CustomizingIf you want it to be a different colour than brown while closed, then script the exit with the following (substituting 'blue'
of course)...
$colour = 'blue';
If you want different open and close messages, script something like this:
$opentext = 'Toxic fumes begin to enter [$loc] from [$actor]'';
$closetext = ''[$init_obj]'s hands felt something slimy on [$actor]'s handle'';
This is 5 years, 5 months, 9 days, 4 hours and 40 minutes old
material called fey
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:49 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Fey are the creatures closest to nature and have varying alignments and devotions.
I.E. pixies, nymphs, sylphs, faeries, dryads
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 39 minutes old
material called fortified
Written by
thorn at 15:12 on Mon 05 Feb 2007
editThis material works with
the command called fortify.
Fortify creates objects with this material set. It also sets up the material values. One should not add this material without also doing everything
fortify does.
Second of ram: reduces health of the fortification, and drops its exit when health reaches 0.
Second of repair: takes its exit and adds to health
This is 5 years, 5 months, 10 days, 19 hours and 16 minutes old
material called friend
Written by
thorn at 02:39 on Fri 26 Jan 2007
editThis material allows players to keep a list of friends, enemies, and arch-enemies
Reactions:wakes - if waking object is set as enemy or kos then show the appropriate warning.
sleeps - if sleeping object is set as enemy or kos then show the appropriate warning.
arrives - if arriving object is set as kos then attack it
Customizing your attackif you want to, you can script yourself with a
whyattack block, where you can say something and set a delay (in seconds) before you automatically attack someone you set as kos.
print ''[$actor] glares at [$init_obj] and says, 'You have angered me too many times, prepare to die!''';
$attackdelay = 10;
note: in the above code double quotes appear as ''
so you will have to adjust your code as needed.Also
think what would happen if I called roam within my whyattack block?...
read the command called setfriendThis is 5 years, 5 months, 20 days, 7 hours and 49 minutes old
material called healingloc
Written by
wolis at 11:31 on Sun 18 Feb 2007
edit Reactionshit, say, think, wish
and heals everything in the room by 1 point up to their healthmax
Intended useGive this material to an object in a location where activity happens and they get healed.. the more activity in the room, the faster the healing.
This is 5 years, 4 months, 27 days, 22 hours and 57 minutes old
material called humanoid
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:47 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
The category you should be most familiar with.
I.E. humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, goblins
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 41 minutes old
material called incorporeal
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 15:03 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Incorporeal creatues have no physical form. Or they may be physical creatures temporarily becoming incorporeal. Basically they can pass through wall or can't be affected by non-magical means.
I.E. ghosts being example numero uno
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 25 minutes old
material called killquest
Written by
thorn at 07:16 on Wed 24 Jan 2007
editThis material can be used to manage a 'killquest'. This is a simple quest that involves finding and killing the object and receiving its treasure. Once killed, the quest is over and the object will decay and be erased forever.
Please don't put this material on a wimpy object worth 1 penny or with no weapon or items. Also, since the victor gets all that is wielded, worn, carried, or given, be sure the items supplied are hosted in the right way. Also remember to gender the object before you use it (which sets up the quest).
spawn robber from passive4
material it as _killquest_
gender it as him
Then work on making some decent items. For example, create a dagger and visit the blacksmith called Stan at the Smithy so you can put it on the forge to make it more deadly. Visit the Talisman of Cold (or Heat) to give it some enchanted attacks. Then force your killquest object to wield it. If you can code, then consider creating something unique and interesting as treasure. And if it is really worth the trouble, then consider setting the healthmax of your killquest object to something formidable, perhaps with the ability to gradually heal. Don't make it impossible. There's no fun in that. You can hint of the unique treasure by customizing the rumor and news (see below).
use: This does a number of things.
- a newsflash is created and published in the daily cow
- a rumour is created and recorded in the book of rumours
- the material's killquest values (qname, rumour, and lasthit) are set
Note: be sure to gender your object before you use it.arrives: As long as the object is alive, this sets the lasthit value to whomever arrived. If the killquest object is alive it will also attack.
tickloc: This detects when health reaches 0 (or less) and does a number of things:
- Any object hosted to the killquest object with hosthow of 'wielded', 'worn', or 'carried' is unhosted and locked and owned to lasthit object.
- Same with anything in the inventory.
- The worth of the killquest object is transfered to the victor.
- The initial rumour is removed from the book of rumours and erased.
- An obituary is created and published in the daily cow, declaring lasthit as the victor.
- _killquest_ is removed and _decaymeat_ is added, which causes it to rot away and erase itself.
read the material called decaymeatCustomizing the quest name and storyWe tried to make the default name and story work well enough, but you may want something better. Some simple scripting can be used to customize the setup of your quest. Just script the object that has _killquest_ material on it, add a block named
killquestdata. This will override the killquestdata block defined in the material object. The purpose of this block is to set up $questname which becomes part of some rumour and news object names, as well as $queststory which becomes the info of those objects. Don't put things like [$init_obj] in $queststory since it is not sent as a message but put in the info.
Note: you must do this before you use your killquest object, since this sets up the news and rumour.Some variables are already available:
$myclass = The class of the killquest object.
$locclass = The class of the killquest object's location.
$heshe, $himher, $hisher = Make sure you
gender {object} so these will hold something besides 'it'.
$myworth = How much your killquest object is worth (especially if you
create {objectclass} worth {numberofpennies}.
$questname = ''A robber runs loose'';
$queststory = ''A robber has been spotted roaming about the old town. The $myclass was last seen lurking at $locclass and has stolen at least $myworth pennies. $heshe is armed and dangerous. We just want $himher killed, so you may take whatever $heshe carries.'';
note: double quotes appear as ''
when you examine this, so you will need to fix the above example in your codeCustomizing the attackYou can also use simple scripting to add something to the object's behavior before it attacks a player who arrives at its location. Just script the killquest object and make a block called
whyattack where you can have it say something before attacking and even set a delay (in seconds) before it strikes.
Some variables available:
$init_obj = the object id of the player that just arrived.
$actor = the object id of the killquest object.
print ''[$init_obj] recognizes [$actor] and exclaims, 'So you are the robber that has been looting this town!''';
print ''[$actor] glares at [$initobj] and fumes, 'So I am, but you will never escape to tell! Prepare to die!''';
$attackdelay = 10;
note: double quotes appear as ''
when you examine this, so you will need to fix the above example in your codeThis is 5 years, 5 months, 22 days, 3 hours and 12 minutes old
material called leadquest
Written by
thorn at 02:57 on Thu 25 Jan 2007
editThis material can be used to manage a 'leadquest'. This is a quest that involves finding and escorting the object to some destination, protecting it along the way, and receiving its treasure.
There are two ways this quest can end:
Failure- The leadquest object dies along the way and is left to rot away.
Success- The leadquest object is escorted safely to the destination.
Consider putting this material on a weak object, so that protecting it becomes a challenge. Also, since the successful escort will receive all items that are given to your object, be sure to give the leadquest object something as treasure that is worth the quest.
Setting up the quest requires the following steps:
1. Bring the object to the destination, then use it. The object will record the destination and begin following you.
2. Lead the object down a path that leads to the starting location. You must stop in each room and wait for the object to memorize it.
3. Once you are at the destination, use the object one more time and it will finish the set-up.
4. Now the fun part. Sprinkle some dangers along the path. For example: spawn a few passive creatures, forcing them to guard exits. Then put a couple of spawned aggro creatures in the same room. If you are a coder, then consider exploding or mechanical trap objects along the way, or perhaps something that triggers ambush.
use: This does a couple of things:
- records the location as the destination in the material's leadquest values
- begins following you
use: This does a number of things:
- a newsflash is created and published in the daily cow
- a rumour is created and recorded in the book of rumours
- additional leadquest values (qname, rumour, and lastloc) are set
Note: be sure you've gendered your object before using it the second time.examine: This simply gives a hint that the leadquest object wants to talk (only shown if they are not hosted).
talk: This does a few things:
- records the player as the leader
- issues a conversation to start the quest with the player
- points at the 1st exit
- follows the player
However, talking to a dead leadquest object won't get you anywhere.tickloc: This depends on whether the object is alive or dead, and whether set-up is complete or not:
tickloc during set-up (record path):
- determines if the location has changed since last recording
- if location is new, then search exits for one that leads back to the previous location
- If exit found then record the location and exit
- If exit not found, then transport you and it back to the last recorded location.
tickloc while alive (play path):
- determines if the location has changed since last recording
- if location is new, see if we are at the destination and complete the quest successfully
- else read it from the path memory
- if the location is in path memory, then point at the correct exit
- if the location is not in path memory, then abandon the escort and run back to the last known location
- give the escort whatever is in the inventory
- issue a news article declaring the successful end of the quest
- remove the rumour from the rumour book
- remove leadquest from the object's materials
Note: for now, the quest object is just left at the destination, unable to do much from that point on. Thorn is contemplating it committing suicide once the winning player leaves the room.tickloc while dead
- check and see if _decaymeat_ is in the material list
- if not then put it there and make a death throe
The decaymeat material will cause a
deathbydecay message just before erasing the leadquest object that was left for dead. Players can avoid this by reviving it with the
cpr command.
deathbydecay- The initial rumour is removed from the book of rumours and erased.
- An obituary is created and published in the daily cow, indicating the escort being sought for questioning by the authorities.
Customizing the quest name and storyWe tried to make the default name and story work well enough, but you may want something better. Some simple scripting can be used to customize the setup of your quest. Just script the object that has _leadquest_ material on it, add a block named
leadquestdata. This will override the leadquestdata block defined in the material object. The purpose of this block is to set up $questname which becomes part of some rumour and news object names, as well as $queststory which becomes the info of those objects. Don't put things like [$init_obj] in $queststory since it is not sent as a message but put in the info.
Note: you must do this before you use your leadquest object the 2nd time, since this sets up the news and rumour.Some variables are already available:
$myclass = The class of the leadquest object.
$locclass = The class of the leadquest object's location.
$heshe, $himher, $hisher = Make sure you
gender {object} so these will hold something besides 'it'.
$destclass = the class of the destination (probably best not to reveal this, though).
$questname = ''the frightened merchant'';
$queststory = ''A merchant is waiting at $locclass for someone to escort $himher on a dangerous journey. if taken safely, $heshe is prepared to award you with a reward.'';
note: double quotes appear as ''
when you examine this, so you will need to fix the above example in your codeCustomizing conversationYou can also use simple scripting to add something to the object's behavior when the player talks to it, before it follows the player. Just script the leadquest object and make a block called
explanation where you can have it say something before following, and even set a delay (in seconds) before it strikes.
Some variables available:
$init_obj = the object id of the player that just arrived.
$actor = the object id of the leadquest object.
print ''[$init_obj] recognizes [$actor] and says, 'I heard you are looking for escort. How can I help?''';
print ''[$actor] grins at [$initobj] and replies, 'Ah yes, I would truly appreciate it. Now I shall show you which way to go as I follow.''';
$followdelay = 10;
note: double quotes appear as ''
when you examine this, so you will need to fix the above example in your codeThis is 5 years, 5 months, 21 days, 7 hours and 31 minutes old
material called liquor
Written by
thorn at 02:41 on Thu 18 Jan 2007
editThis material reacts to drink, putting a
drunkenness modifier on both the aim and dodge skills for 60 ticks.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 28 days, 7 hours and 47 minutes old
material called living
Written by the non-existant presence at 15:48 on Sat 18 Nov 2006
editAll objects with material = 'living' will do whatever this objects is coded to do.
push - says Oi
ask - says time (out of order)
This is 5 years, 7 months, 27 days, 18 hours and 40 minutes old
material called magicalbeast
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:48 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Magical Beasts are similar to animals, although they have magical properties and some are sentient.
I.E. displacer beast, blink dog
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 40 minutes old
material called meditation
Written by
thorn at 04:36 on Tue 13 Feb 2007
editThis material is set on you when you use the
meditate command and lasts until your mana is full or you are no longer sitting and meditating.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 3 days, 5 hours and 52 minutes old
material called mithral
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 10:17 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editObject/Construct Material
Silvery, magical and rare metal. Is as hard as iron, but much lighter.
This is 5 years, 7 months, 6 days and 11 minutes old
material called monstrous
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 15:05 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Explanation forthcoming.
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 23 minutes old
material called ooze
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 14:51 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
The oozes are essentially the creature that are well....ooze. Swarms of insects (and other things) are considered oozes due to the lack of a difinitive shape.
I.E. gelatenous cube, swarm of locusts (would also be vermin)
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 37 minutes old
material called outsider
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 14:51 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Outsider creatures do not hail from our plane of existance. They come from separate planes. On those separate planes they are no longer outsiders, but everything else not native to the plane would be.
I.E. anything not in its home plane
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 37 minutes old
material called pet
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 13:41 on Sat 02 Dec 2006
editFor the moment it just serves to summon the object to you if it is evicted.
This is 5 years, 7 months, 13 days, 20 hours and 47 minutes old
material called phazon
Written by
omenofdoom at 12:01 on Thu 16 Nov 2006
edit Reactions:players by irradiating them
This is 5 years, 8 months, 22 hours and 27 minutes old
material called plant
Written by
wolis at 22:25 on Sun 11 Sep 2005
editAny plant based material wil respond with 'grows a bit' whenever it is watered:
water the plant with the bucketEvery tickday runs 'growme' which does nothing as yet.
This is 6 years, 10 months, 4 days, 12 hours and 3 minutes old
material called private
Written by
thorn at 13:07 on Thu 25 Jan 2007
editThis material allows the object to restrict access via the go and goto commands.
read the command called setprivateThis is 5 years, 5 months, 20 days, 21 hours and 21 minutes old
material called shapechanger
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 15:05 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Shapechanger are creatures either without a 'normal' form, or changing form is a magor part of their life.
I.E. dopplegangers, hagunemnon (no normal form)
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 23 minutes old
material called showspecials
Written by
thorn at 08:54 on Tue 21 Nov 2006
editPut this material on your weapon and you will be able to check out its damage and any special attacks it contains just by examining it. If there are enchantments, it will show the number of charges left.
This is 5 years, 7 months, 25 days, 1 hour and 34 minutes old
material called sky
Written by
thorn at 08:56 on Tue 06 Feb 2007
editThis material reacts to arrivals, adding or removing _light_ from the actor's material list.
Therefore, if you put an object with sky material in a dark room, it will light up the room from 6am to 6pm (adelaide time).
This is 5 years, 5 months, 10 days, 1 hour and 32 minutes old
material called spellcasting
Written by
thorn at 07:35 on Tue 13 Feb 2007
editThis material is set by the
cast spell and remains until you are successful at casting the desired spell.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 3 days, 2 hours and 53 minutes old
material called spookyforest
Written by
thorn at 03:22 on Wed 24 Jan 2007
editPut this material on something within a forest location to give it an occasional environmental sound. It should trigger once every 20 ticks or so if a player is present.
Some examples of random messages:
From to the south, a falling branch disturbs the quiet under the canopy.
From somewhere hidden, a howl spooks the silence of the trees.
From just out of sight, the cry of a young animal breaks the peace of the forest.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 22 days, 7 hours and 6 minutes old
material called torch
Written by
thorn at 04:01 on Wed 07 Feb 2007
editThe candle material reacts to the
light and
blow commands.
When lit, it will light the location, but shorten over time until health is gone.
If you
create some candles, the singular class becomes 'candl'. This material detects and fixes it to 'candle' when lit.
If there are more than 1 candles (using the
more command), then each time it burns out, qty will be reduced and health will go back to healthmax.
This is 5 years, 5 months, 9 days, 6 hours and 27 minutes old
material called undead
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 14:17 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Most people should be familiar with this one. Includes all the creatures that should be dead, but have been magically given ''life''.
I.E. ghouls, ghasts, ghosts, vampires, liches, zombies, morhgs, bodak, shades
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 20 hours and 11 minutes old
material called vermin
Written by
Chaotic Bob at 15:05 on Sun 10 Dec 2006
editCreature Material
Pests,insects, rats
This is 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours and 23 minutes old
material called zone
Written by
thorn at 05:10 on Wed 24 Jan 2007
editThis works with roaming critters.
setzone command places the zone material on an object while setting a zonename into the material's value.
If the object then calls
roam, then it will only choose an exit if the room it links to is in the same zone.
see also:
read the command called setzoneread the command called roamScripting example://This causes an object to roam once every 10 or so ticks as long as it is alive;
##tickloc:runsub mayberoam;
##mayberoam:runsub roamaround/10;
if $actor's health > 0 then roamaround2;
call ''roam'';
This is 5 years, 5 months, 22 days, 5 hours and 18 minutes old