# I run this in /n/sources/contrib/john/package, then I get on 9grid.net
# and copy the files there.
# for a given package, figure out what it depends on.
# package naming is inconsistent, so there are a few hacks to get it right.
fn dep {
if (test -f $1/dep) {
for (dep in `{cat $1/dep}) {
# if it has a /, go up 2, else go up 1
# the naming is inconsistent because users figure it out, not programs.
# This will be fixed by this little hack.
# package from same contributor?
if(test -f $tryme/dep) dep $tryme
# package from other contributor, and the name is in the dep?
if not if(test -f $tryhim/dep) dep $tryhim
# ANY contributor?
if not if(test -f $tryany/dep) dep $tryany
# Then it is 'terminal', i.e. no further dependencies
# Echo this last so leaf nodes get listed first.
# Packages get installed in the order in which they're found in the deps file
echo $dep
# by doing the for this way we verify the presence of the replica directory.
# If no replica directory exists, then we won't even run for that user.
# Lazy!
mkdir -p proto deps packages
rm -f packages/*
rm -f proto/*
rm -f deps/*
for (replica in /n/sources/contrib/*/replica) {
echo $replica
cd $replica
cd ..
echo $contributor
echo $root
for (db in replica/*/db) {
echo "DB " $db
package=`{echo $db | sed s,/db,, | sed s,replica/,,}
echo "Package" $package
# simple at first
# need to adjust things due to mk9660 limitations.
# the directory for a file must be RIGHT BEFORE that file
# or the mkfs libraries get upset. So:
# x/b
# x/b.x
# x/b/c
# will fail. Has to be
# x/b.c
# x/b
# x/b/c
# so to force the right sort order, checi for a mode of 20000000
# and turn x/b into x/b/ for sort order, Then stupid libraies
# get upset so you have to change the x/b/ back into x/b
# yuck.
sed 's/ - 20000000/\/&/' < $db | sort | sed 's/\/ - 20000000/ - 20000000/' > /tmp/db.tmp
{echo root - sys sys ; awk -v 'root='$root '{print "root/"$1 " - " $4 " " $5 }' /tmp/db.tmp }> $proto
disk/mk9660 -9cj -p $proto -s $contributor /n/sources/contrib/john/package/packages/$package.iso
zipresult=`{cd /n/sources/contrib/john/package/packages/; bzip2 $package.iso}
#rm /n/sources/contrib/john/package/packages/$package.iso
dep $contributor/replica/$package > /n/sources/contrib/john/package/deps/$package
cd $pdir
# generate sha1sum, someday
#for (packages in packages/*) {
# sha1sum $package > $package.sha1
cd proto
ls > ../list