opening gopher links from firefox in lynx
April 11th, 2019

I was working on a goal of adding a new protocol handler to
Firefox that would open gopher:// links in lynx. I think it's
doable based on my research, but I'm not quite able to get it
working. First of all, you can expose a protocol to request a new
handler when invoked by adding a config item to Firefox via the
about:config screen.


Add that entry as a boolean, and set it to false. Now the next
time you click on a gopher link it will prompt you for the app to
use. If you have a standalone gopher app with gui support, point
at that and you're done! YAY!

If you're like me and want it to launch a terminal window, start
lynx, and browse to that gopher hole, well... I don't quite have
the solve just yet. I found three potential ways to do it so far,
but none is actually working.

1. Point to a shell script that launches a terminal window running
   lynx, and forward along the parameter. I created a bash script
   that launched gnome-terminal and passed along the startup
   script as lynx. Sounded good in theory, and if I invoke it from
   the terminal myself it does indeed launch a new term running
   lynx. That's cool, but Firefox seems to do nothing when it acts
   as a handler. Damn.

2. Define a new shell app like described in this webpage [0]
[0] Firefox enable starting of scripts
3. Try to make a lynx.desktop file that will launch the lynx
   browser. Here's mine:

   [Desktop Entry]
   Comment=Terminal Browser
   Exec=lynx %U

   That totally works once you trust it if you click on the app.
   But it does jack shit when you try to use it as a Firefox
   protocol handler. Ugh.

Guys, I feel like I'm so damn close. Who wants to be my hero and
swoop in and save the day. Gopher handlers will make my life 3%
better overnight. Don't you want to be a part of that?