January 28th, 2019

lxd and lxc are amazing. If you know what they are, skip this
paragraph. If not, they're sort of like Docker, but instead of
encapsulating your application, they encapsulate a system. They're
not as broad as a whole VM, and in reality they're not really
a "thing" at all. They're a collection of isolation tools built
nto Linux that makes it seem like you're running on a whole new
vm while sharing kernels and junk. Um, go read about it somewhere
else. There's some great material out there that will explain it
better than me.

The purpose if this phlog is to document my basic LXD setup. My
host system is Ubuntu 18.04 as of this article being written, but
t really doesn't matter. Most of my containers are built using
the latest stable Ubuntu, but that also doesn't really matter. My
goals are as follows:

- Be able to create and dispose of containers easily
- All containers, by default, allow me to ssh in using my keys
- I can ssh to the containers by their container name, not IP
- I can apply a 'gui' profile and make a container work with my
  native display
- I can apply a 'user' profile and make my container start with my
  dotfiles installed

Step 1: Install LXD

If it's not already installed, you can grab the snap package.

Step 2: Install ZFS

It's not necessary, but it performs better at start/stop
operations. If you install it, LXD will use it as the default.

Step 3: Configure LXD

$ sudo lxd init

Just say yes to the defaults.

Step 4: Edit the default profile

$ lxc profile edit default

    user.vendor-data: |
      package_upgrade: true
        - build-essential
        - software-properties-common
        - name: ubuntu
          ssh-import-id: gh:jamestomasino
          shell: /bin/bash
  description: Default LXD profile
      name: eth0
      nictype: bridged
      parent: lxdbr0
      type: nic
      path: /
      pool: zfs
      type: disk
  name: default
  used_by: []

The key here is the ssh-import-id to pull my keys down from
github. With that I can ssh in immediately instead of using the
lxc exec method to sudo in.

Step 5: Edit the gui profile

If you didn't install lxd via snap, you'll need to run this one liner:

$ echo "root:$UID:1" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid

    environment.DISPLAY: :0
    raw.idmap: both 1000 1000
    user.user-data: |
        - 'sed -i "s/; enable-shm = yes/enable-shm = no/g" /etc/pulse/client.conf'
        - 'echo export PULSE_SERVER=unix:/tmp/.pulse-native | tee --append /home/ubuntu/.profile'
        - x11-apps
        - mesa-utils
        - pulseaudio
  description: GUI LXD profile
      path: /tmp/.pulse-native
      source: /run/user/1000/pulse/native
      type: disk
      path: /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
      source: /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
      type: disk
      type: gpu
  name: gui
  used_by: []

This magic sauce will set up all the dependencies needed to
connect to my display when a gui app is run. I then SSH in with
export x11 enabled and all is well.

Step 6: Edit a user profile

This one involves a lot of runcmd: stuff in a row that points to
my dotfiles, installs other apt packages, does a little dance, and
ends up with a working environment for me to do some damage. I'll
spare you all.

Step 7: SSH

I want to be able to connect to lxd containers by name, not just
IP address. I'm going to set that bit up in a minute using dnsmasq
and systemd, but first lets look at my ~/.ssh/config to see what
goodness lies within:

Host *.lxd
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
LogLevel QUIET
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/some/really/cool/path/to/SECRETS

The host checking and host file bit, along with LogLevel mean you
won't get man-in-the-middle warnings if your container IP changes
one day from starting and stoping repeatedly. X11 forwarding there
for display. I use ubuntu containers, so I've attached the
username there as well.

Step 8: DNS

$ sudo vim /usr/local/bin/lxdhostdns_start.sh


  LXDDNSIP=$(ip addr show lxdbr0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')

  /usr/bin/systemd-resolve --interface ${LXDINTERFACE} \
                           --set-dns "${LXDDNSIP}" \
                           --set-domain ${LXDDOMAIN}

$ sudo vim /usr/local/bin/lxdhostdns_stop.sh



  /usr/bin/systemd-resolve --interface ${LXDINTERFACE} --revert

$ sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/lxd-host-dns.service

  Description=LXD host DNS service



$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable lxd-host-dns.service
$ sudo systemctl start lxd-host-dns.service

Boom. If you didn't answer defaults on lxd init, then your
nterface might not be lxdbr0 and you'll need to change stuff.

Step 9: Test it out

$ lxc launch ubuntu: test
$ lxc list # wait until you can see the IP to know it's ready
$ ssh test.lxd

If everything blew up it's because you're with me and that DNS
hackery works great to be able to ssh in, but it also breaks the
ability for your container to connect to anything else. For now
I'm disabling the DNS bit and sshing in via IP, or using the lxc
exec sudo stuff to connect. I'm watching this post [0] for
a comment response that will hopefully clarify that last bit.
[0] How to use lxd container hostnames on the host in Ubuntu 18.04