 World of Tildeverse
 2019.10.27 21:01:15 CET

 I got some good news at work this week and I'm making some
 adjustments to my weekly schedule to free some time for
 entertainment. My first plan, which I actually started to implemen
 was to get back onto World of Warcraft, casually of course.

 I played WoW since the close-beta until about six years ago. I hav
 good memories of game and had lots of fun. So I thought how about
 getting some of that back?

 I installed the game clients and was going to start this week, but
 changed my mind. I started reading content from the Tildeverse. I 
 already reading phlog posts, but started exploring the different
 communities and contents out there.

 I decided to instead spend my time participating in these communit
 and enjoying this part of the internet. After all, it does remind 
 of another time of my life when I had lots of fun - learning about
 BBSes and other decentralized systems in early 1990s in Brazil.