-------------------------------------------- Tresorit 2018.02.11 21:15:30 CET -------------------------------------------- Recently I've heard about Tresorit. They are a company in Switzerl providing cloud storage, but their selling point is strong encryption is zero-knowledge (you and you alone hold the keys; if loose them, the data is effectively gone). I'm a heavy user of cloud storage - for storing work spaces, temporary files and backups, each of of these have a very differen set of feature requirements. For temporary space, I want small storage sizes, but safe removal. For backup, I want large spaces, even if slower speeds and I can provide my own crypto (encrypting my tarballs before uploading). For work space, I want middle size, access on all my devices, but strong focus on privacy. So far, the Tresorit offering works well with my work space and temporary files scenarios. For backups, I'll continue to use Googl storage, because I get a very good price for 10+TB of space. |