Want to learn some cool things to do in your terminal?
Of course you do! (I mean, you are on gopher after all!)

Know anything I should? Send me an email at sander@sdf.org
Star Wars!

You probably know this one
    $ telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
This will allow you to see the whole of Star Wars Episode IV.
In ascii art. wonderful stuff!


Easy enough to do, but you need finger. SDF already have this.
    $ finger @graph.no.
for help, just "finger @graph.no".


Ever needed to share text from your terminal?
Termbin to the rescue!
Just redirect your output to "nc termbin.com 9999"
for example:
    $ echo "Testing termbin!" | nc termbin.com 9999

This will give you a nice URL you can use to share with your
friends. Be wary though; make sure you never push keys or passwords

OpenStreetMap in your terminal

Ever been to lazy to open a browser to check a map?
Who am I kidding, of course you have!

Well, worry no more.
    $ telnet mapscii\.me
Use arrow keys to move around, and A/Z to zoom.
Or use the mouse if you want to be fancy

Ever want to make a certain bit of text *REALLY* clear?
Figlet is for you! It even has lots of fonts you can see with 

    $ figlet -w 60 Bit of text...

     ____  _ _            __   _            _         
    | __ )(_) |_    ___  / _| | |_ _____  _| |_       
    |  _ \| | __|  / _ \| |_  | __/ _ \ \/ / __|      
    | |_) | | |_  | (_) |  _| | ||  __/>  <| |_ _ _ _ 
    |____/|_|\__|  \___/|_|    \__\___/_/\_\\__(_|_|_)

It even has lots of fonts you can see with 'showfigfonts'.