Hard to Phlog
Wednesday Mar 12 12:06:28 2014

So,this is what I thought my first real phlog post
look like:

Let the phlogging commence!

So I am trying some phlog software because it turns
out it is not completely trivial to make gopher sites.
Let us see if I have set
up germ correctly or not.

Turns out the answer was 'no', because it turns out that
CGI scripts in gopher have been disabled here on SDF, so
there was no way to set it up so it would work.

SO YOU CANNOT USE GERM OR SLERM on sdf. No cool comments on
your posts or auto-archiving.

So I learned two things the hard way while trying to figure out 
how to start a blog on an almost-dead network:

First, I learned that although all the cool phlogging tools, 
even though developed here on SDF--germ, slerm--that rely 
on a .cgi file won't work (thanks, slugmax). This sort of
CGI program apparently was once allowed to run on SDF, but
now is not. It says so in red letters all the way at the
bottom of this page:
Second, I learned that the shell-script-based alternative
tool that I was told to use from someone welcoming me to
gopherspace (thanks, tomatobodhi)--mkphlog-- was written
in ksh, which I thought to be a problem because I had switched
my shell to a more universal bash. But after a bit, I realized
mkphlog's real problem is that it is saved with Windows/MS-DOS
linefeeds, and you need to run 'dos2unix' on it in addition to
setting it executable for it to work (that is what the 
#/bin/ksh line addresses in the script).

So here I am, this is, I hope, my first working phlog post.

Thanks to the following phloggers for their help:
chal, the one who wrote mkphlog
chal's mkphlog and related downloads