__  ____ __       _          __  ____           __ 
   /  |/  (_) /_____ ( )_____   /  |/  (_)___  ____/ / 
  / /|_/ / / //_/ _ \|// ___/  / /|_/ / / __ \/ __  / 
 / /  / / / ,< /  __/ (__  )  / /  / / / / / / /_/ / 
/_/  /_/_/_/|_|\___/ /____/  /_/  /_/_/_/ /_/\__,_/ 

"Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else." - George Orwell

==== Introduction =============================================================

Hello! You've somehow managed to stumble upon my gopherhole. My interests vary
but I tend to hyper-fixate on two or three things at any given moment. Those 
things can be anything from music genres to ideas and concepts. Most obsessions 
eventually wane once I find a new interest. I'm very fickle like that. 

Recently, I started to yearn for a more simple life, including my computing 
experience. This led me to SDF and now I feel at home with the people of this 
community and the textual world of cli-based programs and communication. 

I'm a friendly person so feel free to contact me directly if you're bored and 
just want to chat with someone. I consider myself to be open-minded and enjoy 
iseeing things from various perspectives, even if I don't always ag

==== Phlog ====================================================================

Workin' on it... 

==== Contact ==================================================================

I respond to email quickly and you can also often find me in COM on SDF. 

Email: mlsmith [@] sdf (dot) org 

                        Ascii Anything
