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(Summer Breeze)
July 17, 2023

For a moment yesterday (Sunday) evening there was a pure good moment. The
weekend was disorienting as they often are. This time I was juggling a not
completely unusual mix of whiplash from acquitting myself from my day-job
workweek, and attempting to get stuff done around the homestead, and
needing some sort of recovery time--from everything, really. The medium of
opposites was enhanced by an emulsion of successes and failures.

The garden was producing beautifully, but the rodents were threatening to
get out of hand. I personally felt low-energy and strung out, but I also
didn't seem to be drawn towards being anxious or angry about it, which was
the usual case. My own internal emotional world seemed to center on an
unusual, for me, anesthetized neutral tone. I felt harried by all the
million tasks, but was able to put in some actual work into things that I
usually don't find time for, setting up some monitoring cameras on the
driveway and doing some work in my home server.

It was hot during the day, or at least hot for somebody who has become
acclimated to the coastal zone. And while working in the garden, tying
things up and watering along side my partner, I decided to start working
on a Yacht Rock playlist. I had picked up a taste for Yacht Rock during
quarantine, the "genre" hit me just right in a way I can't quite explain.

The early evening started setting and a small weather front came in, the
temperature dropped and a breeze kicked up. My thousand concerns receded
to the background, and in a cheesy miraculous theme-music synchronicity,
worthy of the genre, Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft started playing.
For a few minutes, everything was beautiful.