Welcome to my Gopherspace! I am Jeremiah Stoddard, just some guy
who likes retrocomputing and parts of the Internet beyond the
World Wide Web. Here are some articles/phlog entries where you
can read my ramblings.
January 23, 2023 - Floppy Emu
January 18, 2023 - Assembly Headaches
January 14, 2023 - Gopherspace Plans
January 8, 2023 - Hello, World!
All entries
This Gopherspace is kindly hosted by SDF:
SDF Gopherspace
I can be reached at jstoddard@sdf.org. I would be happy to
receive email messages, but please make them text friendly,
since I will be reading and responding on an Apple IIe, and
therefore won't see HTML or photo or video attachments.