Fernan Bolando + email: fernanbolando@gmail.com + callsign: ve4feb + grid: EN19lv + http://fernan.sdf.org ... random notes and things that might become useful or a project
_archived 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
calc_format 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
chess_engine_c64 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
dot_matrix_friendly_manuals_and_tex 2023-Oct-09 16:00 --------
kawayan_2_-a_version_control_system 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
nokia_6600_py60 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
opensource_8bit_codes 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
plan9_contrib_archive 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
plan9_programs 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
some_notes_on_p2p_or_ugly_construct 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
studying_jt65_source_code 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
studying_voa_source_code 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
tx3_new_transmitter_ve4feb 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
tx4_220Mhz_transmitter 2023-Apr-08 15:28 --------
Cheatsheet_CW.txt 2023-Apr-08 15:28 1.0 KB
at_the_top_of_their_field 2023-Apr-08 15:28 0.4 KB
fast_and_home_cooked_food_that_i_li 2023-Apr-08 15:28 1.1 KB
finding_use_for_old_machines 2023-Apr-08 15:28 0.2 KB
pcb_design_notes 2023-Apr-08 15:28 0.1 KB
plan9_notes 2023-Apr-08 15:28 1.0 KB
usrsio.bas 2023-Aug-29 16:29 4.8 KB