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Techno Zen, Chants and Syncromysticism

You have arrived ... whatever that means.

This is my smolweb/smolnet front.

To see what I'm complaining, writing or musing about, jump to the P

Resident alien on SDF for about alot of years.  First signed on in 
late 90's.  Finally ARPA'd here, and then MetaARPA'd when 9Front be
For the most part, I don't get overly technical and topics can rang
computers, IT Security and off topics like Syncromysticism.  Syncro
goes way back to a bizzare writer by the name of James Shelby Downa
paper called King-Kill 33, however he didn't own the concept, he ju
popularized the idea of it in American underground culture. Current
master of Syncs is a writer by the name of Christopher Knowles, who
known for a while.  What does this have to computers, who knows.  P
Dick was a syncromystic, Neuromancer featured alot of syncromystici
that kind of stuff.  I live in the Southern Mountains of the US and
hijack OpenMics on SDF to cover security news.
Phlogs                                2024-Jul-21 16:17   --------
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