__  _             __           _ _ 
   / /_| | _____   __/ / __  _   _| | |
  / / _` |/ _ \ \ / / / '_ \| | | | | |
 / / (_| |  __/\ V / /| | | | |_| | | |
/_/ \__,_|\___| \_/_/ |_| |_|\__,_|_|_|
  e-mail: crvs@sdf.org
mastodon: crvs@mastodon.social

This is my phlog on SDF.org, I don't tend to write much online, but
decided to try this format nonetheless, since it seems like the per
format to not write so much.
I have also put up some poetry I decided to write in Portuguese. It
likely not very good, but it's up here now.
Just some silly cgi example, so that I can remember how to do it la