More scripting means less typing
Tuesday Jun 26  8:33:47 2012

Last week I stumbled upon a bad .po file which means risk of losing
hours of work. I couldn't fix it after struggling with it for a
while. In the end, I recovered the file from a backup copy and
luckily I only lost a few strings. Not a big deal.

So I decided to write a short script that would make it easier for 
to check the integrity of the po files I'm working with.

Silly as it (the script) may seem, it is true that "More scripting
means less typing." 

As you can see the usage is:  ~$ poic file.po

Here it is:

msgfmt --verbose --statistics --check --output-file=/dev/null $1

if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
     echo ""
     echo "This .po file is 'good': $(echo $1)"
elif [ "$?" -ne "0" ]
     echo ""
     echo "This .po file is 'poo': $(echo $1)"
