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    /___/                     /_/        

Greetings Gopher Adventurer!  You are on your way down to
the past where the gophersites here have not seen activity for
over 5 years but less than 10 years.  Barrel aged, ready to tap!
[27-Dec-2018]          ddavis  Basic Questions
[26-Dec-2018]          dflate  Lightning
[23-Dec-2018]           berjo  TITLE
[22-Dec-2018]             ktw  Katie's Empty Gopher Site
[21-Dec-2018]           kirch  Kirch's Gopherspace
[16-Dec-2018]        sethmhur sethmhur
[13-Dec-2018]           ipduh  duh
[13-Dec-2018]        mikkokoo mikkokoo
[13-Dec-2018]            aqdm  aqdm day log
[11-Dec-2018]      solderpunk  Rosin to the core
[10-Dec-2018]            papa  Papa's Cave
[04-Dec-2018]       amutneith 
[02-Dec-2018]            g504 g504
[01-Dec-2018]         buzzert  buzzert's lair
[29-Nov-2018]         sadrach  Flip Flop Spider
[28-Nov-2018]            sako  sako
[26-Nov-2018]       jacobrd92  Jacob Robert Davis in GopherSpace
[26-Nov-2018]      menglehorn  Michael's Gopherspace
[26-Nov-2018]        andrew.b 
[25-Nov-2018]          kf5ydu  kf5ydu
[25-Nov-2018]           yavit yavit
[25-Nov-2018]            renn  G is G
[23-Nov-2018]        kbushnel  Junk Drawer
[20-Nov-2018]         enduser  Welcome To My Gopher Hole
[20-Nov-2018]           redux  Eterna Redux
[17-Nov-2018]             dvf 
[14-Nov-2018] unlimitedcoder2 
[12-Nov-2018]       sehnsucht  The Count's Lore
[11-Nov-2018]         slaanco  .:slaanco:.
[10-Nov-2018]         ahriman  Ahriman's Gopherhole
[04-Nov-2018]     epimorphism  ~ EPiMORPHISM's LAIR ~
[01-Nov-2018]     bradfonseca  The Emporium of Lost Thoughts (Gopher Version)
[31-Oct-2018]letthewatersroar  Let The Waters Roar
[30-Oct-2018]        driver76  Welcome to my Gopherspace!
[30-Oct-2018]          juzekk  Gopher for JuzekK
[29-Oct-2018]         darkfox  Testing
[26-Oct-2018]       skynebula  Skypher
[24-Oct-2018]          strixy  strixy's gopherhole
[22-Oct-2018]      aaabbbb222  testtesttest
[20-Oct-2018]        herronjo  Josh's Amazing Gopher Space
[17-Oct-2018]       old.snail  notes from a shell
[15-Oct-2018]          aldrik  Phlog de Aldrik
[15-Oct-2018]            mn4v  The Gopher Trap
[09-Oct-2018]      postphotos  postphotos
[07-Oct-2018]           ricci  ricci
[07-Oct-2018]            stee  A Hidden Place, A Gopher's Hole
[04-Oct-2018]         laemeur  The CUNICULUS of LAEMEUR
[04-Oct-2018]      brarempire 
[01-Oct-2018]    sanchopanzer 
[30-Sep-2018]        bacterio  bacterio's gopher hole
[30-Sep-2018]          wicked  always win
[30-Sep-2018]          konafu 
[29-Sep-2018]          lepton  Hello, gopherworld!
[27-Sep-2018]        ricardus  RicarduSpace
[26-Sep-2018]             kat  koshka
[25-Sep-2018]         raoeupb  RAOEUPB
[22-Sep-2018]       racccooon  raccoon!
[20-Sep-2018]        jmahoney  JMAHONEY
[18-Sep-2018]             ulf  leitzahl.de gopher information source
[17-Sep-2018]          clusey  Just Another Phlog
[17-Sep-2018]             elm 
[17-Sep-2018]             mrn  36 hours of beer and pizza with kurt
[13-Sep-2018]         noogles  Nooglesphere
[12-Sep-2018]        sylranch  Tales From SYL Ranch
[11-Sep-2018]        beatdown  Chainsawed and Strangled
[09-Sep-2018]       alchemist  Alchemist's Gopherspace
[09-Sep-2018]          dokuja  dokuja's gopher hole
[04-Sep-2018]             dor  THIS IS A TEST
[01-Sep-2018]             org 
[31-Aug-2018]      cfenollosa cfenollosa
[31-Aug-2018]          alexjm 
[30-Aug-2018]       theesaint  Gopher Hole from the Mountains
[30-Aug-2018]          yakkoj 
[30-Aug-2018]        fuddster  Fuddster Was Here
[27-Aug-2018]  fiddlerwoaroof 
[26-Aug-2018]          railey  seventheaven
[25-Aug-2018]             adw  Introverted Ideation
[24-Aug-2018]             tty  tty
[21-Aug-2018]            zori  works in progress
[21-Aug-2018]           libre  Muh phlog
[14-Aug-2018]             bej  Jelle Besseling's Gopher Site
[12-Aug-2018]             ufo  under construction
[12-Aug-2018]      dharmaxbum dharmaxbum
[11-Aug-2018]         nyufutz nyufutz
[10-Aug-2018]          tejasr 
[09-Aug-2018]        gshogren 
[09-Aug-2018]          embien 
[09-Aug-2018]         greydus  some weeb's gopherspace
[09-Aug-2018]          kf6gpe  KF6GPE's Gopher Space
[08-Aug-2018]         olivier  olivier
[08-Aug-2018]             wal 
[07-Aug-2018]       sheeplord 
[07-Aug-2018]      benburwell 
[07-Aug-2018]       wiredlain 
[05-Aug-2018]         gnoufou  Gnoufou's Corner
[05-Aug-2018]      mhoogkamer  Michael's Files
[04-Aug-2018]        wilsonnb  wilsonnb's gopherspace
[03-Aug-2018]          bernak  Gopherspace B-Chile to the world
[01-Aug-2018]        cyrkuler  procrastination-central
[31-Jul-2018]         molotov 
[28-Jul-2018]           kj8am 
[27-Jul-2018]       retrogeek  Oldschool
[24-Jul-2018]        rinpatch  Anime tiddies and ES6 features
[23-Jul-2018]             azq [24-Jul-2018] rinpatch Anime tiddies and ES6 features
[22-Jul-2018]thanatophobia666  Gopher Public Library
[19-Jul-2018]       lolimanko  Jocata's Gopherspace
[15-Jul-2018]             sda  my gopherspace
[13-Jul-2018]     therealbill  Bill's Gophersite
[12-Jul-2018]             hnb  Hiro's Notebook
[12-Jul-2018]             mre 
[10-Jul-2018]        viewcomp  viewcomp
[10-Jul-2018]          kjwill  kjwill's gopherspace
[09-Jul-2018]             npg  Crap
[07-Jul-2018]            mukt  Mukt Landing
[04-Jul-2018]             ch4 ch4
[03-Jul-2018] giantessgnostic  Infinity's Core
[02-Jul-2018]           keiya  Keiya's
[28-Jun-2018]         adaniau  Anna D's gopher
[27-Jun-2018]       famicoman  Famicoman
[27-Jun-2018]         jmcgann  School Thoughts
[27-Jun-2018]        martians  a martians tale of a green planet
[27-Jun-2018]         reppard  Reppard's Gopher Hole
[27-Jun-2018]        vansteen  Tom's Gopher Space
[27-Jun-2018]          pdfinn  PDFINN's GOPHERSPACE