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All of these articles passed over my eye during past year and with what
I see they form nice conclusion.

1. Problems with classic experiments

From:   Two   More  Classic   Psychology   Studies   Just  Failed   The
    Reproducibility Test (26 SEP 2016)
Link: [1]


The 1988 study concluded that  our facial expressions can influence our
mood - so the more we smile, the happier we'll be, and vice versa.

The 1998  study, led  by Roy Baumestier  from Case  Western University,
provided evidence for something called ego depletion, which is the idea
that our willpower can be worn down over time.

2. Marshmallow test

From: Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test (Jun 1, 2018)
Link: [2]


The marshmallow test is one of the most famous pieces of social-science
research: Put a marshmallow in front of  a child, tell her that she can
have a  second one if  she can go 15  minutes without eating  the first
one, and then leave the room.  Whether she’s patient enough to double
her  payout is  supposedly  indicative  of a  willpower  that will  pay
dividends down the line, at school  and eventually at work. Passing the
test is, to many, a promising signal of future success.

3. Stanford Prison Experiment

From: The Stanford Prison Experiment was massively influential. We just
    learned it was a fraud. (13 Jun 2018)
Link: [3]


The study took  paid participants and assigned them to  be "inmates" or
"guards"  in a  mock  prison  at Stanford  University.  Soon after  the
experiment  began,  the  "guards" began  mistreating  the  "prisoners",
implying evil  is brought  out by circumstance.  The authors,  in their
conclusions, suggested  innocent people, thrown into  a situation where
they have power over others, will begin to abuse that power. And people
who are put into a situation where they are powerless will be driven to
submission, even madness.

4. Bipolar Disorder and "synaptic pruning"

From:  "Schizophrenia Gene"  Discovery Sheds  Light on  Possible Cause.
    Improper  "pruning"  of  neural   connections  could  lead  to  the
    development of mental illness (28 Jan 2016)
Link: [4]


After conducting studies in both  humans and mice, the researchers said
this new  schizophrenia risk  gene, called C4,  appears to  be involved
in  eliminating the  connections  between neurons  -  a process  called
"synaptic pruning,"  which, in  humans, happens  naturally in  the teen

5. Regarding causes of autism

From: First Biomarker Evidence Autism Is Linked to DDT (16 Aug 2018)
Link: [5]


Elevated levels  of a dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane  (DDT) metabolite
in pregnant women provide the  first biomarker evidence that the banned
insecticide is implicated in autism in children, new research shows.

DDT and other  organic pollutants were widely banned  in many countries
decades ago, but they persist in  the food chain, leading to continuous
exposure among populations. The chemicals transfer across the placenta,
resulting in potential prenatal exposure.

6. Regargind psychological component of opiate dependence

From: Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K HML-2 integration within RASGRF2 is
    associated with intravenous drug  abuse and modulates transcription
    in a cell-line model (23 Aug 2018)
Link: [6]


The human genome is “littered”  with remnants of ancient retrovirus
infections that  invaded the germ  line of  our ancestors. Only  one of
these may  still be  proliferating, named HERV-K  HML-2 (HK2).  Not all
humans have  the same HK2 viruses  in their genomes. Here  we show that
one  specific uncommon  HK2, which  lies close  to a  gene involved  in
dopaminergic activity  in the brain,  is more frequently found  in drug
addicts and thus is significantly associated with addiction.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I love humanities. And respect psychology.

"Gender studies", socionics and any other simulation of mental activity
don't get  enough emphasize  on complete lack  of rational  effort from
"research" and "study" distinction.

So what I  have to say is:  luckily humanity has enough  people who put
some kind of value in word "science".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UPDATE: quick followup

#gay_feminism #proletarian_science #gopher_studies

From: Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship (2 Oct 2018)
Link: [7]


This  essay, although  hopefully accessible  to everyone,  is the  most
thorough  breakdown  of  the  study  and  written  for  those  who  are
already somewhat familiar with  the problems of ideologically-motivated
scholarship, radical skepticism and cultural constructivism.

What we just  described is not knowledge  production; it’s sophistry.
That is, it’s a forgery of  knowledge that should not be mistaken for
the real thing.

Many papers advocated highly dubious ethics including training men like
dogs ("Dog Park"), punishing white male college students for historical
slavery by asking them to sit in  silence in the floor in chains during
class and  to be  expected to learn  from the  discomfort ("Progressive
Stack"),  celebrating morbid  obesity  as a  healthy life-choice  ("Fat
Bodybuilding"),  treating privately  conducted masturbation  as a  form
of  sexual violence  against  women  ("Masturbation"), and  programming
superintelligent  AI with  irrational and  ideological nonsense  before
letting it rule the world  ("Feminist AI"). There was also considerable
silliness including  claiming to have tactfully  inspected the genitals
of slightly  fewer than 10,000  dogs whilst interrogating owners  as to
their sexuality  ("Dog Park"),  becoming seemingly mystified  about why
heterosexual men are attracted to women ("Hooters"), insisting there is
something  to be  learned  about  feminism by  having  four guys  watch
thousands of  hours of hardcore pornography  over the course of  a year
while repeatedly  taking the  Gender and Science  Implicit Associations
Test ("Porn"), expressing confusion over  why people are more concerned
about the genitalia  others have when considering having  sex with them
("CisNorm"),  and recommending  men anally  self-penetrate in  order to
become less  transphobic, more feminist,  and more concerned  about the
horrors of  rape culture  ("Dildos"). None of  this, except  that Helen
Wilson recorded one "dog rape per hour" at urban dog parks in Portland,
Oregon, raised  so much as a  single reviewer eyebrow, so  far as their
reports show.

... "I  wonder if they'd publish  a feminist rewrite of  a chapter from
Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf." The answer  to that question also turns out
to be "yes". ...

Why Did We Do This?

Because  we're  racist,   sexist,  bigoted,  misogynistic,  homophobic,
transphobic, transhysterical, anthropocentric, problematic, privileged,
bullying, far right-wing, cishetero straight white males (and one white
female who was demonstrating her internalized misogyny and overwhelming
need  for male  approval) who  wanted to  enable bigotry,  preserve our
privilege, and take the side of hate?

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