gophertility: inspiration by simplicity

   _.. or some barely related short thoughts_

   It is certainly thanks to Gopher that I have been writing more often
   recently! Somehow this community is much more inspiring than anything
   web-related I have tried -- maybe except for Literotica, but no steamy
   talk here, m'kay?

   I am happy to see continued growth here. Recently, I discovered new
   kids on the block [1]jebug29's and [2]auzymoto's. So many different but
   thoughtful people out there -- thanks for sharing your stories,
   viewpoints and ideas!

   User tomasino is playing with some [3]formatting ideas for texts, in
   short: begin a new line for every sentence, sometimes also for partial

   Funny: while reading his text which is formatted accordingly, I thought
   "hey, looks like a poem" about two lines before he observed just that
   as well!

   I am mostly following these rules as well, for three reasons: it's
   indeed useful with line-based diffing tools (like in git), it's easy on
   my eyes, but in addition good for working in [4]ed, which happens to be
   my secret lover among the editors (while I'm married to vi, ed's
   younger sister).

   As my plog suite currently creates the text/gopher version of my plog
   entries from the HTML version (using lynx), which in turn is generated
   from the markdown source, the line structure of the latter is not
   visible in the published version. So you just have to believe me. The
   markdown source might actually be better for consumption via Gopher
   than the formatted HTML, but I currently don't have time to modify my
   plog suite accordingly.

   So I am more than fine with this way of formatting: go ahead, tomasino!

   I'm still thinking about the idea of automatics syncing of
   gopherspaces, but other than looking into [5]IPFS and
   [6]camlistore/perkeep, I did not find the time to advance in any way.
   Fortunately SDF again runs smoothly, as far as I can tell.



   1. gopher://
   2. gopher://
   3. gopher://
   4. gopher://