A Turn for the Worse It's been a while since my last update, and things have not been getting better. Most of the time, I'm okay. But there are moments when things are not good, and those moments are increasing in frequency and length. As for the mental health people, I am still waiting for some kind of evaluation. This morning, I was waiting for my usual bus. The next thing I noticed, I was several miles away, not on my bus route, sitting on the sidewalk against a building. I still had my wallet and my briefcase. My hand was bleeding, and there was blood on my mouth, but after wiping at it, it appears that the blood on my mouth came from my hand, where it seemed I had punched something or fallen. I'm not a violent person, so I'm assuming it's the latter. There's also redness on my arm and some white stuff on my shirt, probably from the wall I was leaning against. After I came to and collected myself, I located where I was at, got on a bus, and then walked a block to work. At first, I thought about the lost time involved here. I've had incidents of this happen before. When I was in college, I lost about two hours of time. I came to with evidence that I had been at a shopping mall about two miles away, and must have walked there. It turned out, I had actually crossed a freeway on foot to do it. Not on a bridge, but right across the freeway. Back then, I was drinking a lot, and although I wasn't drunk during the blackout, I just figured that it must be related. And there were other incidents, too, including seizures when I was younger and a couple seizures a few years ago. What happened could have been a seizure. Or it could have been whatever has been causing the small incidents of lost time. Either way, I have an injury as a result, and this changes things significantly. I am apparently, at the very least, a danger to myself.