Bike upgrades B) Monday, Sep 19 2022 ------------------------------ After 5 ish years and probably around 15,000 kilometers on my MTB I decided it would be wise to change tires and brake pads ahaha, oh well, better late than never. So the good part of the day was spent on this side project, took especially long cause changing tires is a pain and the brake was so loud at the start i actually used it instead of the bell cause it was way louder. Now riding feels much more stable and i can finally brake with my rear wheel only. It's more like a repair than an upgrade, but it's better than before, so I can call it that I guess. I have had some problems focusing lately so past days haven't really been productive, but life is made of ups and downs, so i'll probably get over it in a few days and be back to normal. I have also planned some really cool upgrades to the gopher site! Since I learned how to use moles (dynamic gopher pages) I decided to add a guestbook to the site, it shouldn't take too long, but when its done make sure to leave a comment! Aside from that, check out the cool stuff page, it's very basic for now but i'll add more stuff to it later, if you have a cool page you want to share with me (please do) you can do so by sending me an email at vkred / at / That's all for today. See you tmr :)