``` Date: 2024-04-08 Time: <I honestly don't remember> Mood: awe ``` We live about 2 hours from the "path of totality", so we all took the day off and made the drive. We could have stayed home for it, but the extra time in totality was well worth it. It looked like someone had literally cut the sun out of the sky, leaving nothing but an after glow around where it used to be. For ~ 4 minutes, it was completely silent - no birds, barely a breeze - accept for the "ooo"'s and "wow"'s of the people gathered around for the event. We took pictures, or tried to, with our cell phones - cameras covered by the eclipse glasses. Most turned out blurry, a couple fairly clear. We tried to take images of the eclipse using that "sun paper" and a cardboard box (yeah, old school). I say "tried" because I haven't had time "develop" those imags yet. We'll see what we got tomorrow. The drive home was long, very long. While it only took around two hours to get there, it took almost 6 to get home. By the time we got out of the car everyone was cranky and tired, civility hanging on by a shoestring, but it was worth it. It was pretty magical, actually. //