-------------------------------------------------------------- 28-10-2024 -------------------------------------------------------------- I was born as a man. I'm glad I was. I very much enjoy being a man. It comes with many, many benefits. Many of which I'm not even aware of, and never will be. It also comes with many disadvantages. Patriarchy gives me a lot of benefits when it comes to the materialst aspects of existence, but it also does a lot to dehumanize my emotional aspects as a human being. It goes further than the "boys don't cry" aspects that - luckily - society is starting to give more resistence to in recent years (although the rise of people like Andrew Tate in pop culture certainly hasn't helped). There are many "masculine ideals" I've come to place upon myself as a result of exisiting in a patriarchal society and consuming the art it creates, with subliminal ideals being perpetuated within it althewhile neither the artist nor I have been aware of its presence. This has lead to me glorifying self-sacrifice to an extreme point. I fetishize the idea of suffering for the possibilty that it may one day lead to being able to "provide" for others. Completely negating the value in getting provided for when the opportunity presents itself to my friends and family. This not only leads to various degrees of self-destruction, but also denies others from achieving that which I myself also desire so much. If I can't let myself be vulnerable enough to admit when I am in need of being taken care of, how should I expect another person to grant me the privilege of letting me take care of them? Is that not plain hypocricy? I think it takes strength to say you need someone. I think it it takes strength to let someone be there for you. I think it takes strength to trust someone enough to let yourself "feel ugly" around them. I think it's something I'm going to have to practice. My first step is going to be uploading this document, and letting (an admitedly niche part of) the world know that this part of me exists. I don't feel really good about it yet, but I suppose that's the point.