I'm going to look into transhumanist organizations more. I haven't found anybody conducting any projects with tangible results yet. I have no doubt there's a lot of "underground" stuff going on but I'm not privy to that. I joined the "World Future Society" for about a year and they haven't/aren't doing anything so I left. Besides, they aren't far enough on the "pushing-the-technology-spectrum" for me. Too "conventional" I guess? ---------------- It's shower day. Yup, I only take a shower once or twice a week, on Wednesday or Thursday and sometimes Saturday. I thought you should know that. ---------------- Jinjer and Employed To Serve are working on new alba. *Really* looking forward to those, as well as Crypta's first one. I'm learning about NFTs. Still don't get it. Digital assets can be copied. A GIF can be copied. MP3s can be copied. So...where's the value in it? Something about being unique and everything else without the token being a "fake"...don't get it...someone sells a tweet for millions of USD...what does the buyer do with it...some bands like "Kings of Leon" (I didn't know they still exist) are selling their next album as NFTs...but if you still get MP3s you can copy it like any MP3s...don't get it...hmm..................