!tallship's SDF Gopherhole - Like a hammer in my hand it is ;)

# This is "gophermapp" - so you can see how I did my 'gophermap'.

           ____   ____  _    ______
          |_  _| |_  _|| | .' ___  |
            \ \   / /  \_|/ .'   \_|  .---.  _ .--.
             \ \ / /      | |   ____ / /__\\[ `/'`\]
              \ ' /       \ `.___]  || \__., | |
               \_/         `._____.'  '.__.'[___]

                port 22, 23, 70, 80, 443, 1965

Kirk: Bones, there's a thing out there.
McCoy: Why is any object we don't understand always called a thing?

#Real-time configuration output (WOO!)
SDF Current System Information:
=echo "    server time....: `date`"
=echo "    server version.: $SERVER_VERSION \"$SERVER_CODENAME\""
=echo "    server platform: $SERVER_ARCH"
=echo "    output charset.: $GOPHER_CHARSET"
=echo "    output width...: $COLUMNS characters"

=echo "    server hostname: $SERVER_HOST"

Welcome to my little corner nestled away in the great Intersphere.


hThe Home Page of Vger: https://Vger.Cloud 	URL:https://vger.cloud

Pleroma Cloud in the Fediverse:

hThe Pleroma Public Cloud (Fediverse) https://Pleroma.Cloud	URL:https://Pleroma.Cloud

8NOMAD Internetwork BBS: telnet://Vger.Cloud	URL:telnet://vger.cloud
You can also simply ssh to V'Ger (but type 'new' 2X to create your account)

1V'Ger: Vger.Cloud Gopher service - Visit anytime!	/	vger.cloud	70  
0My readme.txt file here at SDF	/users/tallship/readme.txt	sdf.org
There are inconsistencies which I point out between sdf.lonestar.org
and sdf.org in the way that the gopher URLs are served... Kinda Interesting

1This gopherhole right here	/users/tallship	sdf.org

1Back to the list of SDF users	/maps	sdf.org

What's a pubnix? What is the tildeverse? Public Access UNIX and
OpenVMS (usually Vaxen) community services explained:
1Pubnixes - Free public UNIX shell servers and communities	/pubnix	vger.cloud

I've been an authorized SCO UNIX partner for a couple of decades, BTW.
Wanna download the latest (or older) versions of SCO?
Yes! It's still maintained. Here's some download links of ISO images:
1SCO UNIX (Download ISO images from my repo):	/software_repo/sco_UNIX	vger.cloud

And last but not least, other files and directories here in my gopherhole: