20230924 ======== 19:20 ----- Internet was flooded by masses of people who aren't aware of its delicate shape and they ruined it. One of names for that multidimensional process is Eternal September [1]. In the real life there are similar examples. One of that is a mountain trail trekkers culture created when mountains were less accessible. Today's mountains are trampled by people dressed in gold flip-flops and Dolce Gabbana T-shirt. I am not a hardcore mountain trekker but I know several old customs. - Mountains are beautiful but dangerous so you must be well prepared. Warm and waterproof jacket even is a warm sunny weather on the bottom. - Reserves of food and water - Be prepared with many trail possibilities and be equipped with a map - People on a real mountain trail greeting each other - Mountain shelters provide free hot water (for food preparation) - Mountain shelters offer possibility to do a ink stamp, each shelter has own stamp design, it is possible to obtain the tourist badge for stamp series I haven't been thinking that this knowledge is something unique or important. But I'm observing that many people aren't aware even that. [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September