Day 3 Natsu 2021

Writing something new to introduce a new day's sumo is already hard. 
Hmmm how will this last for another 12 days? We shall see. Still no 
crowds. Still lots of flying cameras. Still lots of fighting spirit on 

Ishiura took Akua for a bit of a dance. Lots of almost being pushed 
out until Ishiura tries forcing Akua face first into the ground but in 
doing so lost balance and so left the ring. 

Kotonowaka had a good match, swiftly throwing Chiyshoma out in what 
seemed like one move. 

Terutsuyoshi was easily pushed down by Kotoeko. The salt chucker 
seemed overly keen and leaned too far forward. 

Tamawashi showed Endo how it was done. He forced Endo to the rope 
almost instantly. Tamawashi kept him there until he tried a kick 
between the legs. When that did not connect, Tamawashi took Endo for 
a swing and won. 

Ichninojo was back to his usual stepping out at slightest hint of 
being at the straw. I started to space out at this point... I spent 
hours on the phone today. From half 7 until 3 with half an hour break. 

Takayasu defeated Meisei somehow. Meisei seemed to want a spin and 
Takayasu just had to push slightly. 

The sounds you hear without the crowd are surprising. Takakeisho 
sounds like a pug in a hot car as he shoved Hokutofuji to the straw 
until Koutofuji gave up and stepped out. 

Wakatakakage tried a henka against Asanoyama. It failed, they 
ended up grappling after sliding away from one another. The gyoji 
wasnt happy, shouting hakeyoi lots. They start shifting. Is Asanoyama 
out? Is Wakatakakage out? Well it ended up with Asanoyama being out 
after a lot of switching around. 

Terunofuji decided to roll Tobizaru out. Quick and skillful. The gyoji 
almost went along with the flying 

Shodai against Daieisho involved lots of slapping and shoving. 
Both managed to lose their balance and leave the ring at the same 
time almost like a synchronised dance. The gyoji went with Shodai 
winning. The mono-ii agreed. There was not a lot in it and I think the 
video gyoji was necessary to decide that one! 

At the end of day 3, we see 7 rikishi with perfect records. 
Terunofuji, Takayasu and Mitakeumi seem the ones to watch out for. But 
who knows, Tamawashi could surprise us all again.