.--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. :::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\ ' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' DATE : 2019.09.24 TIME : 22:20 AUTHOR : SNOWCRASH@SDF.ORG MOOD : CHILL TITLE : THE JOYS OF TMUX .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. :::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\ ' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' In my search for a decent linux terminal app that with decent capabilities and windowing I am embarassased to say that I forgot all about the old venerable workhorse that is "tmux". CTRL-b % Split Window Vert CTRL-b " Split Window Horiz CTRL-b Arrows (Move Around) CTRL-b d (Exit) CTRL-d or exit (Close Current Terminal) -Snowcrash